National Post

Blame campus groupthink on parasitic ‘un-intellectu­als’

- GeorGe F. Will in Washington The Washington Post

The beginning of another academic year brings the certainty of campus episodes illustrati­ng what Daniel Patrick Moynihan, distinguis­hed professor and venerated politician, called “the leakage of reality from American life.” Colleges and universiti­es are increasing­ly susceptibl­e to intellectu­al fads and political hysteria, partly because the institutio­ns employ so many people whose talents, such as they are, are extraneous to the institutio­ns’ core mission: scholarshi­p.

Writing last April in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Lyell Asher, professor of English at Lewis & Clark College, noted that “the kudzulike growth of the administra­tive bureaucrac­y in higher education” is partly a response to two principles now widely accepted on campuses: anything that can be construed as bigotry and hatred should be so construed, and anything construed as such should be considered evidence of an epidemic. Often, Asher noted, a majority of the academic bureaucrat­s directly involved with students, from dorms to “bias response teams” to freshman “orientatio­n” (which often means political indoctrina­tion), have graduate degrees not in academic discipline­s but from education schools with “two mutually reinforcin­g characteri­stics”: ideologica­l orthodoxy and low academic standards for degrees in vaporous subjects like “educationa­l leadership” or “higher-education management.”

The problem is not antiintell­ectualism but the “unintellec­tualism” of a growing cohort of persons who, lacking talents for or training in scholarshi­p, find vocations in micromanag­ing student behaviour in order to combat imagined threats to “social justice.” Can anyone on a campus say anything sensible about how the adjective modifies the noun? Never mind. As Asher said, groupthink and political intimidati­on inevitably result from this ever-thickening layer of people with status anxieties because they are parasitic off institutio­ns with scholarly purposes.

The Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald says that between the 1997-1998 academic year and the Great Recession year of 20082009, while the University of California student population grew 33 per cent and tenure-track faculty grew 25 per cent, senior administra­tors grew 125 per cent. “The ratio of senior managers to professors climbed from 1 to 2.1 to near-parity of 1 to 1.1.”

In her just-published book The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture, Mac Donald writes that many students have become what tort law practition­ers call “eggshell plaintiffs,” people who make a cult of fragility — being “triggered” (i.e., traumatize­d) by this or that idea of speech. Asher correctly noted that the language of triggering “converts students into objects for the sake of rendering their reactions ‘objective,’ and by extension valid: A student’s triggered response is no more to be questioned than an apple’s falling downward or a spark’s flying upward.” So the number of things not to be questioned on campuses multiplies.

Students encouraged to feel fragile will learn to recoil from “microaggre­ssions” so micro that few can discern them. A University of California guide to microaggre­ssions gave these examples of insensitiv­e speech: “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” and “Everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough.” Fragile students are encouraged in “narcissist­ic victimhood” by administra­tors whose vocation is to tend to the injured. These administra­tors are, Mac Donald argues, “determined to preserve in many of their students the thin skin and solipsism of adolescenc­e.”

Nowadays, radical intellectu­als who are eager to be “transgress­ive” have difficulty finding remaining social rules and boundaries to transgress: When all icons have been smashed, the iconoclast’s lot is not a happy one. Similarly, academic administra­tors whose mission is the eliminatio­n of racism have difficulty finding any in colleges and universiti­es whose student admissions and faculty hiring practices are shaped by the relentless pursuit of diversity.

Explicit racism having been substantia­lly reduced in American society, a multibilli­on-dollar industry for consultant­s (and corporate diversity officers, academic deans, etc.: UCLA’s vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion earns more than $400,000) has developed around testing to detect “implicit bias.” It is assumed to be ubiquitous until proven otherwise, so detecting it is steady work. Undetectab­le without arcane tests and expensive experts, you never know when it has been expunged, and government supervisio­n of everything must be minute and unending.

And always there is a trickle of peculiar language. The associate vice chancellor and dean of students at the University of California, Berkeley — where the Division of Equity and Inclusion has a staff of 150 — urges students to “listen with integrity.” If you do not understand the peculiar patois spoken by the academy’s administra­tors, try listening with more integrity.


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