National Post

Shame on the Saudis


Re: Saudis say Khashoggi killed in fist fight, Oct. 20

A reasonable definition of premeditat­ed murder would include the unlawful killing of another human being that was planned in advance and carried out wilfully with malice and deliberati­on. In other words, it’s no accident.

The Saudis in their ludicrous, almost daily changing of stories about Jamal Khashoggi’s fate, would now want the world to believe that Khashoggi was killed in a “fist fight.” No, this was a 60-year-old man who was ambushed by a 15-man hit squad armed with inter alia, a bone saw, lying in wait for him in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, and their intentions thus fulfilling totally, the above definition of premeditat­ed murder. Shame on the Saudis for this heinous crime and shame on the Saudis for thinking that their absurd explanatio­ns full of hogwash, malarkey, hokum etc. can fool the world. Barry Bloch, Thornhill, Ont. Do Canadians prefer to import oil from Saudi Arabia rather than utilize Alberta’s oil? What about our Canadian values? I think we should consider where our money is flowing.

Right now, there are no protests about importing Saudi Arabian oil even though our foreign minister has criticized the Saudis’ ethics and values. The Saudi response to Chrystia Freeland’s comments was a veiled threat to cut off our oil supply.

What if the Saudis did shut off our oil supply? Would we become Saudi oil servants if and until our pipelines were built?

I’d rather support ethical oil. With regard to carbon footprints, whoever’s oil we use, we will still pollute the same amount until we all drive electric cars, which is coming. Until then, it does not rest well with me that every time I fill up, I am sending money to the Saudi regime that murdered Jamal Khashoggi. Rick Clarfield, Toronto

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