National Post

Go north, new pipelines

- Michael H. Bell

As things stand today, new Canadian oil may never reach new markets. The Trans Mountain expansion to ship bitumen to the West Coast seems to be on indefinite hold. The prospects for an Energy East pipeline from Alberta to New Brunswick are even bleaker: they are non-existent. On top of Canada’s export struggles the country also faces hostility over imports from Saudi Arabia, a country that the Trudeau government now says may not even be permitted to buy Canadian arms over reported human rights abuses, most recently highlighte­d by the apparent murder of a critic in its embassy in Turkey.

Maybe it’s time to look at another option, one that is environmen­tally sound and cost effective. Over the years, I have been involved in various capacities in the shipping business with an emphasis on shipping in the Arctic. This experience has led me to believe that there is an alternativ­e to current plans. Canada could economical­ly and safely ship oil from Alberta by pipeline to Hudson Bay, where it would be picked up by tanker for transport over the top of Quebec and Newfoundla­nd and delivered to the East Coast — and ultimately the rest of the world.

There are challenges, but let’s examine the whole case for a pipeline to Hudson Bay: Environmen­tal: A pipeline from Alberta to the west coast of Hudson Bay will cross numerous rivers and lakes, together with muskeg and permafrost. It is probably the most challengin­g part of the entire proposal. But are these impassible hindrances? Ask the Alaskans who have, for over 40 years, successful­ly operated an oil pipeline through a comparable environmen­t.

Oil spills: Over the past decade ocean going “tankers” have carried an average of about 12 million barrels of oil per day and delivered 99.99 per cent of that without spillage. Yes, there have been some ghastly marine tanker incidents (in the largest tanker spill ever, the Atlantic Empress disgorged 400 million litres of crude oil off Trinidad in 1979; 10 years later, the Exxon Valdez spilled 170 million litres off Alaska). However, the noticeable trend is downwards: The last major marine spill was off Angola in 1991 (350 million litres). Why? Back then, tankers were “single hulled” — modern tankers must be “double hulled” and so are much harder to pierce. Land-based costs: A Prairie pipeline with a throughput capacity of about 180 million barrels per year will require, I am told, a tariff of about $2.25/throughput barrel/1,000 km to pay for capital and building costs. This translates into a tariff for a 1,400-km line from Alberta to Hudson Bay of about $3.15/barrel. Add to that pumping, storage and terminal expenses which, it has been suggested to me, will run at about $1.60 per barrel. Total cost before marine shipping: $4.75 per barrel. Shipping costs: Before my critics have stopped laughing at the notion of using ships to deliver oil from Alberta to New Brunswick, I remind them that Canada has the longest coastline of any nation on Earth and that Hudson Bay is part of that coastal reach. If the bay were not “icy” (as Sir John Franklin would call it) the tanker cost from Churchill to Saint John would be about $1.60 per barrel. Add to that the $4.75 per barrel in land costs detailed above, an “ice free” cost to deliver Albertan oil to New Brunswick by a pipeline-to-tanker system through Hudson Bay would be in the order of $6.35 per barrel.

Of course, Hudson Bay can be icy in the winter, reverting to open water for the summer months. However, its ice is “first-year” salt-water ice, which is half the strength of “fresh water” ice, usually referred to as “multi-year” ice. (Salt water ice loses its salt content if it survives a summer melt.)

In the same way that tankers have evolved with better, safer hulls, some have recently been built to an “ice-class” (Polar Class 4), which provides adequate strength to operate safely through “firstyear” ice. Such ships are, of course, more expensive to build and operate than convention­al “blue water” ships. However, after allowing for these additional costs, tankers of 200,000-tonne capacity, built to PC4 class, will offer a freight cost of about $3.60 per barrel from Hudson Bay to Saint John. This coupled with the aforementi­oned land costs gives a delivery cost of Alberta oil to Saint John of $8.35 per barrel.

I realize that this argument avoids a multitude of associated issues such as the impossibil­ity of using Churchill for vessels of this size. An alternativ­e loading platform will have to be devised for operation in deep water. And the pipeline route from Alberta to Hudson Bay may not be as straightfo­rward as I imply. On the other hand there are advantages that I have not attempted to argue. Here’s one: A voyage from Hudson Bay to the U.K. is only one day longer than to Saint John, meaning that an additional tanker tariff of about 25 cents per barrel may be all that is required for direct delivery from Hudson Bay to a British buyer. To Houston might cost an additional $1.65 per barrel.

This merely scratches the surface of the transporta­tion challenge. A lot of work (including an analysis of the potential effect on wildlife) has to be done to prove or disprove this option. But, to my mind, an even more exciting aspect of the concept is the opportunit­y to find new markets for Canadian oil.

Michael H. Bell is a former senior vice-president of Fednav, a Canadian shipping consortium where he was in charge of Fednav’s Arctic operations and was involved with Petro-Canada in the Arctic Pilot Project to determine the safety and economics of Polar Class ice-breaking vessels operating in the Arctic year round.


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