National Post

Tories target PM, taxes

Get used to hearing ‘family fortune’

- John ivison in Ottawa

While watching the daily question period in the House of Commons Tuesday, thoughts strayed to Dante’s eighth circle of Hell — where horned demons whipped panderers for eternity for deliberate­ly exploiting the passions of others, flatterers were thrown into pools of excrement for corrupting the language to play upon fears and desires, and politician­s were immersed in a lake of boiling pitch as penance for their dark secrets.

I was shaken from this happy reverie by Conservati­ve finance critic Pierre Poilievre rising to launch into a refrain that was repeated by a subsequent halfdozen official opposition MPs, and that will be echoed with metronomic regularity by every Tory candidate between now and Oct. 21.

The charge is that the Liberals secretly intend to raise taxes after the next election.

Specifical­ly, the Conservati­ves wanted to know, when will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau bring in a carbon tax 15 times higher than the $20-per-tonne rate that will come into force in April.

The Conservati­ves allege this sneaky move to increase the tax for the average family to $5,000 will be made if the Liberals win re-election. The other jab in this combinatio­n of punches is their regular mentions of Trudeau’s “family fortune” — a phrase the prime minister himself used inadvisedl­y in a press conference.

“That amount ($5,000) is peanuts for a prime minister who inherited a great family fortune,” said Conservati­ve Rosemarie Falk, for example.

The one kernel of fact in all of this is that the $300-per-tonne figure was mentioned in an internal document — a briefing note Environmen­t Canada prepared in 2015 for new minister Catherine McKenna. The note suggested that the price on carbon would have to go that high by 2050 to meet Canada’s emissions targets.

The Environmen­t Canada modelling, which became public in 2017, suggested that a price of $100 per tonne would have to be in place by 2020 if Canada is to achieve 30-per-cent reductions from 2005 emission levels by 2030.

While it is possible — indeed, knowing the climate zealots in the Prime Minister’s Office, probable — that the carbon tax will rise above the planned $50-pertonne rate after 2022 if this government is re-elected, there is zero evidence the Liberals intend to increase the rate to $300 after the election.

But there is good reason why the Conservati­ves are adopting such deceptive tactics: they are working.

The next election shouldn’t even be close. With the New Democrats in free-fall and the People’s Party nipping at the Conservati­ves’ exposed right flank, Trudeau should already be engaged in succession planning, deciding when he will hand the family business over to the next generation.

But he could yet contrive to lose. The most recent Nanos poll has the Liberals and Conservati­ves neckand-neck, despite the NDP bumping along at historic lows.

Broken promises and unforced errors have persuaded many voters that this government is neither trustworth­y nor competent.

As Poilievre ad-libbed, when Trudeau said his finances are held in a blind trust: “What the prime minister is asking taxpayers is to blindly trust him, so he can spend a great fortune, amass enormous debts, set on track permanent and growing deficits and trust that no one will ever have to pay for it.”

Government ministers stand in the House and lament Conservati­ve “misinforma­tion,” but as Jonathan Swift pointed out 300 years ago, falsehood flies and the truth comes limping after it.

The Conservati­ves claim 81 per cent of middle-class Canadians are paying higher taxes than when the Liberals took office.

The Liberal counterpoi­nt — that a couple on median income with two kids is now $2,000-a-year better off, thanks to the Canada Child Benefit — is just not punching through because Trudeau has lost the benefit of the doubt.

Equally, the Conservati­ve claim that the Liberals can’t be trusted with the carbon tax is drowning out the government’s exculpatio­n that eight out of 10 families in provinces impacted by the federal carbon tax will be better off because of the plan to rebate any money raised.

The Liberals are going to have to sharpen their message, beyond pointing accusatory fingers at Stephen Harper and Doug Ford. They may be better known than Andrew Scheer and in some eyes embody lessthan-compassion­ate conservati­sm, but they’re not on the ballot.

Nor are plaintive charges about “misinforma­tion” likely to sway disgruntle­d voters.

The hard truth is, if you’re complainin­g, you’re losing.

The new parliament­ary session has revealed that all parties are in full-on campaign mode.

We are already in an election, and in the absence of facts, panderers and flatterers will corrupt the language to play on the fears and desires of voters.

 ??  ?? Pierre Poilievre
Pierre Poilievre

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