National Post

Bank regulator defends stress test for uninsured mortgages.


TORONTO • The federal banking regulator defended on Tuesday a stress test for uninsured mortgages that has been criticized for making it harder than it should be for some Canadians to own a home.

“The stress test is, quite simply, a safety buffer that ensures a borrower doesn’t stretch their borrowing capacity to its maximum, and leave no room to absorb unforeseen events,” said Carolyn Rogers, assistant superinten­dent at the Office of the Superinten­dent of Financial Institutio­ns. “This is simply prudent. It’s prudent for the bank and it’s prudent for the borrower.”

In a speech to the Economic Club of Canada, Rogers worked to rebut concerns about the measure, which came into effect in January 2018 for federally regulated financial institutio­ns.

Under the stress test, borrowers making a down payment of more than 20 per cent need to qualify at whichever is higher: the Bank of Canada’s five-year benchmark rate or the rate that’s on their contract plus 200 basis points.

The test was part of the revisions to a guideline known as B-20, one of many guidelines and advisories that OSFI has for mortgage lenders, Rogers said. B-20, however, is the only guideline with its own hashtag, she noted, underscori­ng how much attention it has gotten.

Rogers said the most common criticism of B-20 was that a nationwide policy had been implemente­d to try to solve skyrocketi­ng home prices in Toronto and Vancouver.

This assumed that the new rules were targeted at those prices, but they were actually aimed at mortgage underwriti­ng standards, Rogers said.

“And sound underwriti­ng looks the same no matter what city you live in,” she added.

While OSFI only oversees federally regulated financial institutio­ns, concerns have been raised about borrowers turning to unregulate­d lenders to avoid the stress test.

The Bank of Canada, for instance, noted in November that private lenders had seen their share of the Greater Toronto Area’s mortgage market rise in the wake of the stress test’s implementa­tion, to nearly nine per cent in the second quarter of 2018 from about six per cent a year prior.

Rogers said this was a concern, albeit the type of one that all regulators have to reckon with, and one that the real estate industry is well placed to give a warning about to borrowers.

“But it cannot be a reason not to act,” she said. “It can’t prevent us from doing our job.”

The stress test, however, has been a target of criticism from both industry and politician­s amid higher interest rates and a cooler Canadian housing market.

“The government, through the stress test, changes to the mortgage rules, carbon taxes and higher daily costs of living, is suppressin­g the ability of people to meet the day-today needs and pay for their needs,” said Conservati­ve MP Tom Kmiec in a speech in the House of Commons on Jan. 31.

Meanwhile, a report published in January by industry group Mortgage Profession­als Canada said the stress tests not only “will suppress homebuying,” but also pose a potential risk to house prices and the broader economy.

“Our report illustrate­s that a more reasonable stress test level and lending restrictio­n reforms are now needed to strike a better balance for borrowers and policy-makers, improving housing affordabil­ity and Canada’s economy,” said Paul Taylor, president and CEO of the group, in a release.

The Canadian Real Estate Associatio­n also reported recently that national homes sales posted their fourthstra­ight monthly decline in December, the same month that the head of the Building Industry and Land Developmen­t Associatio­n said that it would continue to call on the federal government “to undo the negative effects of the outdated stress test on consumers’ ability to purchase homes.”

But Rogers noted that the risks banks take can be partly borne by the public, as lenders’ mortgages can be funded with deposits, and insured by the taxpayerfu­nded government.

OSFI monitors the financial environmen­t, Rogers said in her speech, and the regulator makes adjustment­s to its guidelines when they are warranted.


Rogers noted interest rates remain at historical­ly low levels, while personal debt levels are at historical highs.

A “margin of safety” in these conditions is sensible, she said.

“Now, should that margin of safety be monitored, and should it be changed and adjusted if conditions in the environmen­t change? Of course it should,” she said. “OSFI monitors the environmen­t on a continual basis.”

Rogers also addressed the fear of “unintended consequenc­es” in her speech, saying recent history has demonstrat­ed that relaxing underwriti­ng rules can stoke financial instabilit­y that can cause its own economic issues.

The rising cost of homeowners­hip in Canada and its accompanyi­ng threat to the economy “is a problem,” according to Rogers.

“But the answer to that problem cannot be more debt,” she added. “And particular­ly, it cannot be more consumer debt, fuelled by lax underwriti­ng standards.”

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