National Post

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Re: State of the Union envy, Lawrence Solomon, Feb. 1. U.S. President Donald Trump always brags about his trillion-dollar tax cut, but he never mentions that the United States is also running a staggering $779-billion budget deficit and borrowing heavily from China. In fact, China is bankrollin­g America’s near trillion-dollar budget deficit. Without China’s lending to the U.S., Trump would have been obliged to borrow heavily from the capital market, causing the interest rate to rise, triggering a recession.

Should Trudeau replicate Trump by cutting taxes while borrowing from China? Certainly not. Compared to Trump’s trillion-dollar budget deficit, Trudeau’s $30-billion deficit is a small change.

Also landslide victory of the House Democrats in the midterm elections is a clear indication that Trump’s public support is slumping. Then came the shutdown over the border wall, and Trump’s surrender. His most vaunted skill — deal-making — failed him on his favourite issue.

All of this is taking a toll: The GOP’s approval ratings have dropped in recent months. A recent CNN poll suggests the president — never that popular with the broader public — is also losing support among white working class voters who have usually given him their backing. A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a third of Republican­s want to see a different presidenti­al nominee in 2020.

Contrary to what Lawrence Solomon says, this doesn’t bode well for Trump in the next election.

Mahmood Elahi, Ottawa


 ??  ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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