National Post

Frustrated Conservati­ves can find solace in the provinces.

Kenney, Ford and Co. stepped up their game

- Sean Speer


The prevailing view that Andrew Scheer and the Conservati­ve party have performed poorly in the COVID-19 crisis is mostly unjustifie­d but the problem with convention­al wisdom is that it ultimately becomes convention. Recent polls show that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has completely rebounded from his “blackface” scandal and would now win a major election victory if one were held today.

These developmen­ts have produced a lot of negative commentary about the state of conservati­ve politics in Canada and the future of the Conservati­ve party. But as everyone fights over what the federal Conservati­ves are doing that’s right and wrong, we risk overlookin­g how conservati­ves at the provincial level have performed admirably over the crisis.

Premiers from Jason Kenney to Blaine Higgs and virtually every conservati­ve leader in between has stepped up to provide good conservati­ve governance during this extraordin­ary time. Their strong performanc­es proffer lessons for conservati­ve statecraft in general and the Conservati­ve party’s renewal in particular.

Start with the political context. Conservati­ve government­s now lead six of 10 provinces. This is double the number from the past global recession in 2008- 09. It’s no coincidenc­e, by the way, that we’ve seen a spike in centre-right government­s at the provincial level while the federal party has struggled to find its voice in Opposition.

A common trope is that this represents a calculated choice on the part of voters to elect different political parties at the federal and provincial levels in order to create an intergover­nmental balance of power. It’s a neat idea but it’s a good example of confusing correlatio­n with causation.

The more persuasive explanatio­n is that there’s a zero- sum dynamic within political parties. There’s a scarcity of candidates, dollars, staff and energy, and these finite resources flow up and down based on political circumstan­ces. Conservati­ves are currently strong provincial­ly in large part because they’re weak federally.

Provincial conservati­ves have another distinct advantage over the federal party in the current crisis: there’s no substitute for holding the levers of power. Opposition parties can raise issues and ask questions but ultimately only the government can act to protect the public or provide financial support to affected businesses and households.

These observatio­ns may explain why provincial conservati­ves have been thrust into the spotlight during the COVID-19 crisis but they don’t tell us why or how they’ve risen to the challenge. There are five reasons, in my view.

First, c o n s e r v at i v e premiers have eschewed slogans and talking points and instead communicat­ed clear, fact-based messages to their population­s. This has been particular­ly important in a crisis but it’s something that conservati­ve politician­s should aspire to in all circumstan­ces. The public responds positively to politician­s who are authentic and have enough respect to speak to them like adults.

Second, unlike the Trudeau government’s scattersho­t profligacy, provincial conservati­ves have targeted their emergency spending in key areas and sought more generally to balance immediate- term needs with a longer-term eye to fiscal sustainabi­lity. This pragmatic and discipline­d approach to budgeting will be even more crucial in the coming years as we struggle to restore the country’s public finances.

Third, provincial conservati­ves haven’t merely relied on government to respond to the crisis but instead have leveraged the resources, expertise and capacity of the private sector, charities and citizens. Initiative­s such as the Ford government’s Ontario Together and the Kenney government’s Northern Lights Awards are concrete examples of the conservati­ve preference for civil society in action. These temporary experience­s should spawn a


more ambitious and durable commitment from conservati­ves to cede state activities to civil society institutio­ns.

Fourth, these conservati­ve government­s have drawn on the i nherent benefits of federalism by implementi­ng plans that reflect their own unique needs and circumstan­ces. The relatively positive outcomes thus far are a rebuttal to the Canadian left’s centralizi­ng tendency. Conservati­ves should become champions for even more subsidiari­ty and the necessary fiscal and government­al reforms to achieve it.

And lastly, and perhaps most importantl­y, conservati­ve premiers have been consistent­ly empathetic and positive. They’ve followed U. S. Vice- President Mike Pence’s dictum, “I’m a conservati­ve but I’m not in a bad mood about it.” It’s a good reminder that conservati­ves are most successful when they’re cheerful, happy warriors.

As the immediate crisis subsides, federal Conservati­ves shouldn’t expect to beat the Trudeau government using lame attack ads that appeal to a narrow base. They must put forward a positive, aspiration­al vision that enables voters to affirmativ­ely choose them.

There’s a lot of negativity about the state of Canadian conservati­sm these days including from conservati­ves. Introspect­ion is healthy but conservati­ves shouldn’t be fatalistic. Provincial conservati­ves are providing a useful blueprint for good conservati­ve governance. The next Conservati­ve party leader should follow it.

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