National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. For fear that

5. Signs of healing

10. Bludgeon

14. Relating to wings

15. Bird resembling a partridge

16. Melville novel

17. Make people do what you want

19. Indigo plant

20. Last for a long time

21. Scare to death

23. Uncluttere­d

25. Mineral springs

26. Hockey referee’s assistant

30. Go as far as

34. Former name of Tokyo

35. Japanese forest-dwelling deer

36. Breakbone fever

37. Port on the Firth of Clyde

38. Take forcible possession of

40. Spanish for wave

41. Side of bacon

44. Twentieth Hebrew letter

46. Gun the engine

47. Cut open

48. Replace people with machines, as in a factory

50. Witty response

53. Building shaped like a cylinder

54. Brazilian religious cult

57. Fishes in aquariums

61. Earthenwar­e pot

62. Fan

65. Coffin stand

66. Take a child as one’s own child

67. S-shaped moulding

68. Not in danger

69. Minister’s house

70. Kind of tide


1. Unable to walk properly

2. Style and vigour

3. What beaches are made up of

4. Being three in one

5. Easily nauseated, as by the sight of blood

6. ___-de-sac

7. Battery size

8. Pair of posts on a ship’s deck

9. Slumber

10. Become rough

11. Of all things combining form

12. French for thirst

13. Belonging to God

18. Smooth wrinkles from clothes

22. One of few in existence

24. Carry away

26. Toronto Maple ___

27. Pastoral poem

28. Water wheel

29. Monetary unit of Nigeria

31. Marketplac­e in Athens

32. Flat face at the bottom of a gem

33. Try to vomit

36. Totally impoverish­ed

39. Greek ruler of the gods

42. Ruler used by drafters

43. Good friend

45. Homes for some animals

49. Kind of picture

51. Steel girder

52. Animal living in the bamboo forests of China

54. Disorderly crowds of people

55. Inter ___

56. Staff symbol

58. Anger that is difficult to control

59. Sailing

60. Ladder rung

63. About 907 kilograms

64. Some laptops, for short

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