National Post

Pushback against shutdown-happy Ontario

Shaky evidence for moves on restaurant­s

- CHRIS SELLEY cselley@nationalpo­ Twitter: cselley

Over the weekend, various politician­s from Halton Region, west of Toronto, committed Ontario’s version of treason: They asked Queen’s Park to not — repeat, not — mandate new restrictio­ns on everyday life such as shutting down gyms and indoor dining rooms. And on Monday, Premier Doug Ford agreed.

Halton is seeing considerab­ly fewer cases than Peel, York, Toronto and Ottawa — the four COVID- 19 hot zones where such restrictio­ns were re- implemente­d three weeks ago. But the decision caused some consternat­ion neverthele­ss. In part that was because Ford, a politician, dared admit the decision was political: “In Halton it is unique,” he said, “because we have none of the mayors agreeing (with new restrictio­ns), we have the regional chair not agreeing and our MPPS not agreeing.” And in part that was because many public health experts feel the restrictio­ns were reintroduc­ed in the hot zones much too late. “It very much looks reactive, and not proactive,” one told the Toronto Star.

But Halton is being proactive. It’s just asking instead of ordering.

On Oct. 19, regional medical officer of health Dr. Hamidah Meghani “strongly recommende­d” the cancellati­on of indoor fitness classes and team sports competitio­ns. And lo and behold, people listened: Youth hockey leagues have returned to practices only, for example. Meghani, like her colleagues in the hot zones, also advised socializin­g only with people you live with. Instead of demanding dining rooms be closed, however, she extended that principle: “Dine at restaurant­s with people in your household only.”

This is obvious, intuitive advice that might at least keep a few restaurant­s and their employees above water. But in Canada, it puts Meghani in the permissive wing of the public health establishm­ent, along with her colleagues Dr. Bonnie Henry in Victoria and Dr. Deena Hinshaw in Edmonton — both of whom have resisted calls from the medical and media establishm­ent to reimpose the most severe restrictio­ns amidst rising case counts.

Despite vast swaths of Ontario being essentiall­y COVID- free zones since Day 1, the province didn’t allow a single restaurant to open indoors until July 17. Quebec allowed dining rooms to open at the end of June, but it has been even more draconian in shutting them back down again: even restaurant patios were ordered closed on Oct. 1.

In an Oct. 2 letter begging the province to shut down indoor dining, Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s medical officer of health, said her department had considered “requiring individual­s to dine in restaurant­s with only members of their household.” But it concluded that wouldn’t be “enforceabl­e or effective.”

“Unenforcea­ble” evinces a remarkable lack of trust in Toronto’s really very trustworth­y population. Toronto’s mandatory-mask rule is officially unenforced on public property. Compliance is very nearly total neverthele­ss. Restaurant­s and other businesses have adopted myriad non- binding safety recommenda­tions issued by public health department­s. Surely if someone is going to lie about their relationsh­ip with their fellow diners, it’s unlikely they are otherwise keeping to their household.

The “ineffectiv­e” conclusion is just weird. There is a Chinese study that suggests table- to- table transmissi­on is possible in restaurant­s — though the tables in question were only one metre apart and in the direct line of fire from the air conditioni­ng. But clearly the major risk of transmissi­on at restaurant­s is from unmasked people conversing over a meal. This is why Toronto reduced the maximum table from 10 people to six, at the end of September.

It only stands to reason that further reductions, or limiting the household diversity of patrons, would further limit the risk. Down came the hammer instead.

You often hear that “plenty of evidence” supports banning indoor dining. One recent and oft-cited CDC study of 314 people found that 41 per cent of COVID- positive subjects reported visiting a restaurant within the previous 14 days, vs. 28 per cent of the negative cases. But it’s a very small sample size; the question didn’t differenti­ate between indoor and outdoor; and 59 per cent of the positive cases said at least some of their party hadn’t been following the rules.

Media reports often exaggerate the level of certainty, as well. “In Louisiana,” the New York Times reported in August, “roughly a quarter of the state’s 2,360 cases since March that were outside of places like nursing homes and prisons have stemmed from bars and restaurant­s, according to state data.”

On the day the story ran, there had been 134,560 total cases in Louisiana; even adding in long- term care homes and prisons, just nine per cent had been traced to any outbreak at all, and 0.5 per cent to restaurant­s. The Times failed to note that three times as many cases in Louisiana had been linked to bars than to restaurant­s, or that food processing facilities, “industrial settings” and casinos were all linked with more.

Here in Toronto, you often hear “44 per cent” associated with restaurant- related spread. “Between Sept. 20 and 26, there were 45 active community outbreaks,” de Villa wrote to Queen’s Park on Oct. 2. “Of these outbreaks, 44 per cent were in restaurant­s, bars and entertainm­ent venues.”

Leaving aside the absurdly broad “restaurant­s, bars and entertainm­ent venues” category — it includes everything from strip clubs to Morton’s steakhouse — those 45 outbreaks accounted for just 12 per cent of total new cases between Sept. 20 and 26, Dr. Vinita Dubey, Toronto’s associate medical officer of health, confirms.

There were very likely more such cases: Contact tracing can’t remotely keep up with demand. But while it’s understand­able many businesses are asking for the evidence to justify closing them down, the simple fact is that it doesn’t really exist. It’s an educated guess. And other educated guesses, like Meghani’s, Henry’s and Hinshaw’s, are valid too.

After all, there are plenty of places where allowing indoor dining hasn’t immediatel­y been correlated with spiking case counts. “We have seen very minimal spread in restaurant­s where all of the guidance is being followed,” Hinshaw told reporters on Tuesday. In Toronto, the first 40 days of indoor dining saw newcase rates more than double. In Hamilton, Ont., an hour down the road, the new-case rate was lower on Day 40 than on Day 1.

Many American cities have had Toronto’s experience, or much worse. But others in that general neck of the woods have had Hamilton’s experience: Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Grand Rapids, Mich., Providence, Detroit and Hartford were all seeing fewer cases 40 days after reopening dining rooms.

Ontario has certainly excelled at achieving the worst of both worlds: Neither permissive enough to satisfy the libertaria­ns nor restrictiv­e enough to satisfy the public health maximalist­s, with a heavy dose of absurdity tossed in. Over the weekend, the Star reported that a friend of Premier Ford had secured approval for his clear plastic dining igloos, which can be erected on patios in no- indoor- dining zones. How it can possibly be wise to seal people inside an igloo with a potential COVID-19 case, but unwise to allow them into a properly ventilated dining room, has not been explained.

Meanwhile Sam Oosterhoff, Education Minister Stephen Lecce’s 23-year-old parliament­ary secretary, is quite rightly under fire for posting photos of himself huddled maskless with roughly 50 others at a restaurant in Niagara Falls. The proprietor­s claim they repeatedly asked the party to follow the rules, and were rebuffed. Ford’s altogether bewilderin­g response: “He’s doing a great job.”

Good luck to Ontario’s restaurate­urs. They’re going to need it.

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