National Post

Make Halloween extra sweet

This year was made for homemade treats


Halloween falls on a Saturday this year. That’s every child’s dream, right? No school the next day, so they can trick or treat, go to haunted houses and ... But this is 2020 — a year that feels as if it is determined to suck the joy out of every occasion.

Due to the pandemic, some communitie­s are discouragi­ng the traditiona­l door- to- door candy runs, many haunted houses and festivals have been cancelled or curtailed and even costume sales are down, but that doesn’t mean we can’t decorate and create spooky fun at home.

With a full Saturday to play, why not let the kids create a Halloween party at home by making their own sweet treats?

The Centers for Disease Control offer tips for lowrisk activity ideas, including hosting a Halloween scavenger hunt outside, where children look for Halloween- themed items, like jack- o’- lanterns, and admire neighbours’ decoration­s; or inside where items are hidden around the house. If you do plan to trick-or-treat, the CDC recommends “one- way trick-or-treating where individual­ly wrapped goody bags are lined up for families to grab and go while continuing to social distance ( such as at the end of a driveway or at the edge of a yard).”

And here’s a good tip: If your goal is to make your own treats, make sure some of the recipes you select are ones you already know will turn out well.


❚ Have a plan: Be sure you have a height- appropriat­e working area for the child. Then, read the recipes and decide how the child can assist. Think about a kid’s attention span when picking a task. A younger child may simply add the noodle tail and chocolate chip eyes to the mice, for example. An older child may be able to help mix doughs and shape the sweets before baking.

❚ Take your time: The process should be fun. The child is learning new skills with you as the teacher. If children are too young to be hands- on throughout, let them watch what you do. Read the recipe together. Taste ingredient­s together. Measure together. Explain each step as you go.

❚ Forget perfect: Do you do things exactly right the first time you try them? Neither will kids. This is the time to laugh at mistakes and talk about what you learned from them, so you help little ones build confidence and skills.

❚ Clean up together: Once the sweets are in the oven, it’s time to clean. Encourage kids to put the various ingredient­s away, wash dishes and wipe counters.

And, if you’re unable to share the holiday with family or friends, take pictures and share them, so everyone can enjoy the sweet memories you are making.

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