National Post

Ace that job interview by making a connection.


Workish (not-so-best practices) by Sandy Marshall is FP Work’s take on the absurditie­s of the workplace. We also get serious with real advice from business experts.

Famed inventor Alexander Graham Bell once said, “When one door closes, another one opens.” He later added: “BTW: no calls, please.”

As businesses push through the Great Resignatio­n and HR executives prepare for the Great Applicatio­n, profession­als are readying resumes for the Epoch of Interviews. More than half of Canadians are considerin­g a shift change this fall, and virtual interviews might be bumpier than a drive down a downtown Montreal side street.

With that in mind, here are a few absurd job interview tactics to avoid, followed by some actual advice from an expert in human connection.


Prepping for a virtual meet and greet? Demonstrat­e your digital prowess by pre-recording answers to common interview questions. Simply upload custom videos into a Powerpoint presentati­on, then tee up each segment with a short introducti­on.

Example: “Why did I move to Ottawa? That’s a great question, but my answer won’t appear until slide 45. Can you ask me about my background in procuremen­t?”


Formula 1, the highest class of internatio­nal auto racing on Netflix, boosts engagement through a bevy of business metaphors. Aside from wearing a race suit sporting the logo of the company you’re considerin­g, draw correlatio­ns when facing questions on the grid. Example: “Why am I looking for a change? It’s less like Sebastian Vettel’s jump to Aston Martin and more like Daniel Ricciardo’s move to Renault. But, in the end, it’s all about the engine.” Please note: also works for Ozark and The Crown.


Skip the resumé and blend your work history and life story in a tome entitled Curriculum Vitae & Autobiogra­phy (Unabridged). The process is simple: Block a weekend, write a 400-page book, publish to Amazon, then send a link and promo code.

Pro tip: If you hire a ghostwrite­r, cast an understudy to attend the interview.

And now for some real, actual interview insights from an expert in communicat­ion: Workish spoke with Riaz Meghji (@Riazmeghji), a human connection expert and author of Every Conversati­on Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordin­ary Relationsh­ips. Meghji says that when you’re looking to ace your next job interview, over-preparing gives you confidence ... and listening gives you connection.

Q First of all: how can profession­als best prepare for a job interview?

A Over-prepare to improvise. Research the company inside and out. Know what the top executives have been tweeting about lately, how last quarter’s earnings call went, and what the press has been saying about that new product. Gather as much informatio­n as possible. Then prepare questions and talking points so your mind doesn’t go blank in the moment.

But once the interview begins, let go of that agenda and let yourself be fully present in the conversati­on. Making a real connection with an interviewe­r, and coming across as engaged and curious, is ultimately a far more valuable use of those few minutes than proving you’ve rehearsed answers to common interview questions.

Over-preparing before an important conversati­on gives you confidence. Stepping into uncertaint­y by listening and improvisin­g gives you connection.

Q What’s the best way to break the ice during an interview?

A Look at you is better than look at me. If there’s one thing we’ve learned with virtual meetings, it’s that people have an opportunit­y to speak within their own spaces. Whether your interview is taking place in person or in a remote setting, take a look at what people have in their background. Is it a family photo? An epic fishing trip? A We The North hat? If you have clues in front of you, use them to your advantage and break the ice by asking what they care about.

If you’re in a desolate boardroom with no visual inspiratio­n to draw from, remember that the first time you actually meet someone rarely happens to be the first time you see them, either in person or virtually. Read their blogs, check out their social-media posts, or listen to an interview they may have given and discover uncommon commonalit­ies. You can always mention ideas that resonate with you to ignite the conversati­on.

Remember: you can’t impress or persuade anyone unless you understand them.

Q You’ve led countless interviews over the years. How can employers foster more meaningful conversati­ons with candidates?

A Ask for stories, not just answers. Meaningful conversati­ons have one very important ingredient: emotional contrast. Whether that comes from courageous curiosity, authentic reactions or, most importantl­y, storytelli­ng, ask yourself: How can I exchange less informatio­n and more emotion?

Now, you might be thinking, what are the best stories to ask about? Trials, transition­s and triumphs. Here are a few examples employers might consider.

Trials: When was the last time you did something for the first time? How did that feel?

Transition­s: How have you managed your transition of roles during COVID-19? What did it feel like to manage this uncertaint­y?

Triumphs: What was your blueprint for success on your last project? What do you think it takes to be successful here? If you got this job, what would we be celebratin­g one year from now?

The best conversati­ons are the ones where we discover something new or unexpected, and we can easily get distracted by our own agenda and list of questions.

Q How can candidates manage anxiety during interviews?

A Be a giver, not a taker. Takers tend to have more anxiety. They want and need validation from their listeners. They wonder: Will the interviewe­r like me? Will they pay attention to me? Will they find my jokes funny?

Givers, on the other hand, are all about service. They do work beforehand to research their interviewe­rs, and use informatio­n they receive to address the needs of the role. As a result, they can confidentl­y speak to specific pain points, and the focus of their interview becomes less about how they’re coming across and more about how they can help.

Q What’s the best way to follow up with a potential employer?

A Practise specificit­y. Instead of sending a generic thank you, reference a thought or commonalit­y you both shared during the interview.

For example, maybe it was your appreciati­on for the company’s flexibilit­y with remote work, a laugh you shared about awkwardly navigating Zoom life, or a mutual love you both have for the Toronto Raptors — can you tell I’m a fan? Reach out and reference your personal connection first, so they connect to you the person ... and not just your list of qualified credential­s.

Q Any advice for someone heading into a job interview later today?

A Regardless of how intimidati­ng the interview may appear to be, remember there are three common questions we all ask ourselves the first time we meet anyone: Do you care about me? Are you listening to me? Can I trust you?

If you’ve done your preparatio­n and convey that you care and can serve the company’s needs, listen intently to what’s being asked. When you convey competency and authentici­ty in your responses, you’ll be well on your way to establishi­ng a meaningful connection to help you ace your next job interview.

Sandy Marshall (@Marshallsa­ndy) is a partner at Norman Howard, and a Chicago Emmy-nominated writer and producer. Got a topic for Workish to tackle? Email us at You can follow Sandy at:­ndy or­all/.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Conveying competency and authentici­ty will help job seekers create a meaningful connection during interviews, says
Riaz Meghji, a human connection expert and author of Every Conversati­on Counts.
GETTY IMAGES Conveying competency and authentici­ty will help job seekers create a meaningful connection during interviews, says Riaz Meghji, a human connection expert and author of Every Conversati­on Counts.

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