National Post


- Adam Zivo

The Liberals want to convince you that Conservati­ves are responsibl­e for Canada’s ongoing failure to ban conversion therapy — a discredite­d and widely-condemned practice which uses mental and physical abuse, often to the point of torture, to “fix” LGBTQ people. “Fixed” individual­s often end up scarred for life and have a tendency to commit suicide.

Yet conversion therapy actually remains legal owing to the cynical politickin­g of the Trudeau government, which has sabotaged attempts to ban the practice, at the cost of LGBTQ people’s lives, so that it can continue to be exploited as an election issue.

During their first three years of majority government, the Liberals made no attempt to ban conversion therapy. When, in March 2019, they were pressured by the NDP to change that, they argued that conversion therapy falls under provincial jurisdicti­on as it is relates to health care.

The Trudeau government then convenient­ly changed its mind a few months later, just in time for election season, and campaigned on banning conversion therapy at the federal level. This inconsiste­ncy is unsurprisi­ng given that the Liberals similarly campaigned on ending the gay blood ban while quietly arguing that it wasn’t actually their responsibi­lity.

After the 2019 election was over, the Liberals, now vulnerable with a minority government, seemingly followed through on a promise and tabled a bill to ban conversion therapy in March 2020 (Bill C-8).

C-8 would have criminaliz­ed profiting from conversion therapy, as well as practising conversion therapy on minors or non-consenting adults. Voluntary conversion therapy for adults would have remained legal in respect of Canadians’ charter rights.

However, Conservati­ves were concerned about whether “conversion therapy” was too vaguely defined in the bill. Imagine a minor goes to their imam, rabbi or pastor and asks whether being LGBTQ is compatible with their religion — and the religious leader says, “No, you should not be LGBTQ if you want to be in God’s grace.” Would that kind of conversati­on be criminaliz­ed?

Eric Duncan, the Conservati­ves’ first openly gay MP, proposed clarifying the ban by borrowing the Liberals’ own words, as the Justice Ministry’s news release for C-8 stipulated that these kinds of cases would be excluded.

But then the pandemic halted everything and C-8 languished as Parliament focused on emergency measures — which is understand­able.

Less understand­ably, Trudeau decided to avoid scrutiny for the WE scandal by proroguing parliament last summer, which nullified Parliament’s legislativ­e agenda, killing all bills that had yet to pass. The conversion therapy ban was reintroduc­ed in October 2020 as Bill C-6.

During C-6’s second reading (a preliminar­y stage of law-making), Duncan once again advocated for using the Liberals’ own words to fix the bill’s ambiguity.

As Conservati­ves believed that the clarity issue would be resolved, C-6 passed its second reading with near-unanimous support and was referred to committee for review. Only seven Conservati­ve MPS voted against it, representi­ng five per cent of the Conservati­ve caucus.

But then, from December 2020 to April 2021, nothing happened. C-6 sat in limbo as the Trudeau government avoided bringing it up for Parliament­ary debate. Some have argued that this was because parliament was toxic and dysfunctio­nal at the time, making bills generally hard to pass.

However, the government unilateral­ly decides which legislatio­n comes up for debate and when. How could Canada’s opposition parties have possibly obstructed legislatio­n that the Liberals deliberate­ly chose to keep off Parliament’s agenda for almost half a year? Either the Liberals did not consider the ban important, or they purposeful­ly froze it to keep in their political back pocket.

In April 2021, the Liberals finally deigned to bring C-6 to a third reading, having rejected the Conservati­ves’ proposed amendments and consequent­ly leaving the Conservati­ves divided over the clarity issue. Dissatisfi­ed with the bill’s wording, 62 Conservati­ve MPS voted against C-6 while 51 voted for it. The other parties showed unanimous support, and so the bill passed and was sent to the Senate.

Owing to the Liberals’ stalling, the Senate was unable to properly review C-6 before being adjourned for the summer, putting the bill in limbo again until the Senate could reconvene in mid-september. The Liberals then accused the Conservati­ves of preventing the Senate from being recalled to pass C-6 during the summer, despite the fact that the Speaker of the Senate, who is a de facto Liberal (Liberal senators are nominally “independen­t”), can recall the Senate unilateral­ly.

But this debate was soon moot. When Trudeau called another election, he once again nullified parliament’s agenda and killed the conversion therapy ban for a second time — because the well-being and lives of LGBTQ children are just playing chips for Liberal realpoliti­k.

Now, the Conservati­ve election platform pledges to ban conversion therapy using clearer language, while the Liberals have pledged to ban the practice within the first 100 days of forming government, despite having stalled the ban for at least two years.

Throughout this saga, the Liberals have blamed the opposition for stalling legislatio­n and have stoked the narrative that Conservati­ves condone the torture of LGBTQ children. For example, they have consistent­ly tweeted condemnati­ons of Conservati­ve votes against C-6 while convenient­ly ignoring the clarity issue, leading readers to infer that Conservati­ves oppose the ban in principle rather than particular wording. It’s cynical and dishonest, but effective. On social media, Conservati­ve advocacy for LGBTQ rights (such as ending the blood ban, supporting LGBTQ refugees, and legalizing poppers) has often been met with some variation of: “Yeah but don’t they support torturing queer kids?”

Undoubtedl­y, some Conservati­ve MPS used the clarity issue as political cover to justify opposition to banning conversion therapy. Yet, reading through their parliament­ary speeches, the vast majority seem earnest about ending the practice and genuinely concerned about unclear scope — concerns which could have easily been assuaged if the Liberals actually cared about LGBTQ lives. Is it so hard to add a single sentence, taken from your own news release, to a bill?

But the Liberals only care about LGBTQ issues insofar as they can be electorall­y exploited. If children have to be tortured to wedge voters, that’s OK with Trudeau. It’s deplorable.

 ?? GAVIN YOUNG / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Members of a working group that was tasked with banning gay conversion therapy in Alberta acted as marshals of the 2019 Calgary Pride Parade in downtown Calgary. Conversion therapy remains legal because of the Trudeau government, which has sabotaged attempts to ban the practice, says Adam Zivo.
GAVIN YOUNG / POSTMEDIA NEWS Members of a working group that was tasked with banning gay conversion therapy in Alberta acted as marshals of the 2019 Calgary Pride Parade in downtown Calgary. Conversion therapy remains legal because of the Trudeau government, which has sabotaged attempts to ban the practice, says Adam Zivo.

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