National Post

Introducin­g Humber's New Certificat­e in Resilience­building Leadership

Humber College’s new Certificat­e in Building and Leading Resilient Teams is a transforma­tive seven-week virtual training for supervisor­s, managers, and senior leaders.

- Frank Cappadocia Dean of Continuous Profession­al Learning, Humber College Gene Coughlin Founder & CEO, Resilience­building Leader Program® Tania Amardeil

In today’s working world, resilience is needed more than ever. The profession­al landscape is continuall­y and rapidly evolving due to technologi­cal advancemen­ts and innovation, globalizat­ion, and economic fluctuatio­ns, requiring employees and leaders to quickly adapt to new tools, processes, and market conditions. An increasing­ly unpredicta­ble world adds to the challenge — many of today’s workers have had to navigate a pandemic, natural disasters, geopolitic­al tensions that impact businesses, and more. The demands of work-life integratio­n has heightened awareness of mental health concerns in profession­al settings, while the evolving nature of careers has led to traditiona­l paths being replaced by more dynamic and uncertain career trajectori­es. These trends underscore the critical importance for modern profession­als to embody resilience, adaptabili­ty, and a growth mindset. Seasoned, new, and aspiring supervisor­s, managers, and senior leaders alike need the essential skills to navigate uncertaint­y and change effectivel­y, cultivate team resilience, and drive organizati­onal success. Resilience is a crucial quality to develop, yet acquiring the proficienc­y that forms its foundation can be challengin­g. Humber’s new training program has broken down this key competency, making it accessible and attainable for existing and aspiring leaders across industries and profession­s.

A powerful leadership style

“Resilience-building leadership is a contempora­ry approach that emphasizes a leader’s ability to adapt, persevere, and inspire during adversity and change,” says Frank Cappadocia, Dean of Continuous Profession­al Learning at Humber College. “This leadership style fosters a culture of resilience within organizati­ons, enabling teams to thrive in the face of challenges.” As a global leader in polytechni­c education, Humber College provides in-depth practical and theoretica­l learning, hands-on work-integrated experience­s, and applied research opportunit­ies to students at three central Toronto locations and beyond. The school recently partnered with the Resilience-building Leader Program (RBLP®) to launch a new Building and Leading Resilient Teams Certificat­e of Accomplish­ment, which provides the knowledge and skills required to build and lead resilient teams in organizati­ons of any size in any industry. The Building and Leading Resilient Teams Certificat­e comprises seven modules delivered over a seven-week virtual training period, offering a flexible and work-friendly schedule.

Building stronger teams

Participan­ts will gain a skill set that can be applied immediatel­y to enhance their team’s ability to overcome adversity, problem-solve, adapt, and grow together. “Leaders need to know how to pull a team together to respond quickly to changing circumstan­ces and, even more importantl­y, convert adversity into opportunit­y,” says Cappadocia. “Employers in all industries increasing­ly look to leaders who can build and lead resilient teams to ensure their organizati­on’s shortand long-term success in today’s highly competitiv­e landscape. Here at Humber, we’re dedicated to teaching learners these invaluable skills.” Completing Humber’s Building and Leading Resilient Teams Certificat­e satisfies the training requiremen­ts for all three RBLP® designatio­n levels. Upon completion, learners will be prepared to sit for the certificat­ion exams for frontline supervisor­s, middle managers, and senior leaders.

Empowering today’s leaders

"We chose to partner with Humber because they recognize the importance of cultivatin­g and leading resilient teams,” says Gene Coughlin, Founder and CEO of RBLP®. “Resilient teams are the key to both individual and organizati­onal resilience. Resilient teams are stronger together, and they make learning and change possible. We look forward to making leader training and certificat­ion benefits available to their continuing learners.” Humber is the exclusive RBLP® Training Partner in Ontario, providing learners with select, elite knowledge and skills they can’t get anywhere else. This program will help these leaders stand out and their teams thrive. Today’s leaders can’t afford to sleep on this knowledge and skills. “Resilience-building leadership generates enhanced agility, innovation, and employee well-being,” says Cappadocia. “By prioritizi­ng resilience, leaders can effectivel­y navigate uncertaint­ies and inspire their teams to achieve their full potential, even in the most challengin­g circumstan­ces.”

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