National Post

Most commentary missed hidden budget assumption

- NIELS VELDHUIS AND JAKE FUSS Financial Post Niels Veldhuis is president of the Fraser Institute and Jake Fuss is the Fraser Institute’s director of fiscal studies.

The federal budget has swollen to a staggering half-trillion dollars in annual spending — yes, a whopping $538 billion this year, roughly $13,233 per Canadian — and the document presenting it now stretches to over 430 pages. Big plans (such as the economical­ly damaging capital gains tax increase) are easy to spot and comment on, but the budget’s scale and complexity make it hard to properly evaluate within a single news cycle. Not surprising­ly, most post-budget analysts missed a critically important assumption that underlies every number in the budget: the Liberals’ assumption of productivi­ty growth.

Canada is in the midst of a productivi­ty crisis. “Canada has seen no productivi­ty growth in recent years,” said Carolyn Rogers, senior deputy governor at the Bank of Canada, in a recent speech in Halifax. “You’ve seen those signs that say, ‘In emergency, break glass.’ Well, it’s time to break the glass.”

Normally, the word “productivi­ty” puts most people, diehard economists excepted, to sleep. Or worse, it prompts a reaction of “You want us to work harder?” As

Rogers noted, however: “Increasing productivi­ty means finding ways for people to create more value during the time they’re at work. This is a goal to aim for, not something to fear. When a company increases productivi­ty, that means more revenue, which allows the company to pay higher wages to its workers.”

The media gave Rogers’ stark warning wide coverage. It should have served as a wake-up call, spurring the government to immediate action. At the very least, this budget’s ability (or more accurately, inability) to increase productivi­ty growth should have been a core focus of every budget analysis. But it wasn’t.

The omission is at least partly understand­able. The federal government’s assumption about labour productivi­ty growth is buried deep within the budget (in Annex 1, on page 385, to be exact). The government assumes the economy will grow at an average of 1.8 per cent over the next five years (2024-28), with half that growth coming from an increase in the supply of labour (that is, population growth) and half from labour productivi­ty growth, which the government assumes will stay at its 19742019 average of one per cent a year.

But labour productivi­ty hasn’t been growing at its historical average over the past few years. In fact, it hasn’t been growing at all. As Statistics Canada puts it, “On average, over 2023, labour productivi­ty of Canadian businesses fell 1.8 per cent, a third consecutiv­e annual decline.” Labour productivi­ty isn’t growing, it’s declining. Over the Trudeau government’s time in office (2015 to 2023, omitting 2020 because of the pandemic), labour productivi­ty has declined by an average of 0.8 per cent a year. How can the government, then, base the entirety of its budget plan on, by recent standards, strong labour productivi­ty growth? It’s a “fudget budget” — make up the numbers to make it work.

The fudget budget notwithsta­nding, how can we increase productivi­ty growth in Canada? According to the Bank of Canada, “When you compare Canada’s recent productivi­ty record with that of other countries, what really sticks out is how much we lag on investment in machinery, equipment and, importantl­y, intellectu­al property.”

To increase productivi­ty, we need businesses to increase investment. From 2014 to 2022, Canada’s inflation-adjusted business investment per worker (excluding residentia­l constructi­on) declined 18.5 per cent, from $20,264 to $16,515. This is a worrying trend, considerin­g the vital role investment plays in improving economic output and living standards for Canadians.

But the budget actually hurts — not helps — Canada’s investment climate. Higher taxes on capital gains will deter investment here and encourage a greater outflow of capital. Moreover, the budget forecasts sizable deficits for at least the next five years, which increases the likelihood of future tax hikes and creates more uncertaint­y for entreprene­urs, investors and businesses. Such an unpredicta­ble business environmen­t will make it harder to attract investment to Canada.

This year’s federal budget rests on fanciful assumption­s about productivi­ty growth and actively deters the investment needed to increase living standards for Canadians. That’s a far cry from what any reasonable person would call a successful strategy. Beyond the budget news cycle, the government will have trouble burying that fact.

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