National Post

Messaging apps not as private as you think

Employer must act if messages enter workplace

- HOWARD LEVITT PUNEET TIWARI AND Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt Sheikh, employment and labour lawyers with offices in Toronto and Hamilton. He practices employment law in eight provinces and is the author of six books including the Law of Dismis


By now, most employees understand the risks their personal social media activity could pose in their profession­al lives, but they might have a false sense of security when it comes to messaging apps. As tempting as it may be to impress colleagues with clever quips and memes in private chats, employees should remember that messaging apps are not always private, and that private conversati­ons between colleagues, even when shared outside the workplace, could be a quick route to terminatio­n.

This reality recently hit home for five employees of Metrolinx, an Ontario Crown agency that manages public transit in the Greater Toronto Area. In Metrolinx v. Amalgamate­d Transit Union, five employees were at the centre of controvers­y after engaging in sexually inappropri­ate and explicit comments about some of their female colleagues over the messaging app Whatsapp on their cellphones. While the exchanges occurred on personal devices during non-work hours, they came to light during an unrelated investigat­ion, leading to the employees’ terminatio­n for cause. The victim in this case, “Ms. A.,” became aware of the messages and reported them to her supervisor but did not make a formal complaint as she did not want to trigger an investigat­ion. All five of the dismissed employees filed grievances.

The arbitrator at the Ontario Labour Relations Board who heard the grievance reversed the terminatio­n and ordered reinstatem­ent, ruling that the employer did not have “license to intrude on their private electronic conversati­ons without express contractua­l, statutory or judicial authority to do so.” Metrolinx appealed.

The appeal brought to light crucial questions surroundin­g privacy rights in the digital age and the responsibi­lities of employers and employees. At its heart was the employees’ belief that their Whatsapp conversati­ons were private and encrypted, shielded from the prying eyes of their employer. The Divisional Court disagreed, emphasizin­g the far-reaching consequenc­es of social media interactio­ns which extend beyond personal boundaries.

Central to the court’s decision was the recognitio­n that even ostensibly private conversati­ons have tangible effects within the workplace. In this case, the messages, intended for a limited audience, found their way into the workplace, potentiall­y creating a hostile environmen­t for the victims of the conversati­on and triggering an employer’s duty to ensure a safe and respectful environmen­t for all employees.

The court’s decision underscore­d the employer’s obligation to investigat­e allegation­s of misconduct, irrespecti­ve of the victim’s willingnes­s to come forward. While some victims may attempt to downplay or ignore instances of harassment or bullying, such reactions do not absolve the employer of its responsibi­lity to address workplace issues promptly and thoroughly. Employers should have someone in HR investigat­e any allegation­s immediatel­y and not wait until an outside investigat­or is hired.

“The employees who participat­ed in the chat were free to, and did, forward the message to other employees,” the court said in addressing the privacy issue. “Wherever it originated, the impugned conduct made its way into the workplace and, to that extent at least, became a workplace issue.”

This case serves as a reminder that the perceived privacy of messaging apps does not shield individual­s or companies from accountabi­lity. If private, after-hours chats seep into the office, employers are compelled to navigate the delicate balance between respecting privacy rights and upholding workplace standards. Employees must recognize the potential ramificati­ons of their online activities on their profession­al lives and think twice before posting anything that risks getting back to their employer.

Your expectatio­n of privacy does not extend to those with whom you are sharing your posts, nor anyone with whom it may be further shared.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Employees must recognize the potential ramificati­ons of their online activities on their profession­al lives and think
twice before posting anything that risks getting back to their employer, Howard Levitt and Puneet Tiwari write.
GETTY IMAGES Employees must recognize the potential ramificati­ons of their online activities on their profession­al lives and think twice before posting anything that risks getting back to their employer, Howard Levitt and Puneet Tiwari write.

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