National Post (National Edition)

Trading CETA for CUKTA

- ANDREW LILICO Andrew Lilico is executive director and principal of Europe Economics.


In August, the French and German government­s proclaimed the Transatlan­tic Trade and Investment Partnershi­p — the EU-U.S. deal known as TTIP — dead.

After voters in the Netherland­s rejected an EU-Ukraine trade pact in a referendum this year, the Dutch government says it cannot see itself ratifying the deal, meaning that’s likely dead too.

Now, talks between Canada and the EU over, CETA, the Comprehens­ive Economic and Trade Agreement, appear to be collapsing.

Much attention has focused on the role of the Walloon parliament in Belgium for delivering the apparent coup de grâce to the Comprehens­ive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), but the Walloons weren’t the only objectors. CETA’s provisions were so controvers­ial that not only the European Council and European parliament had to approve it, but also every relevant chamber in every member state.

The EU has been very unsuccessf­ul at closing internatio­nal trade deals. It is very hard to craft a deal that satisfies 28 different sets of interests. Fortunatel­y for Canada, much of CETA’s value lay in the Canada-U.K. part of the deal.

It is perhaps an exaggerati­on to call CETA a CanadaU.K. deal with a few bells and whistles (and obstacles) added to accommodat­e the rest of the EU. But it’s only a modest exaggerati­on.

Some 42 per cent of Canadian exports to the EU are to the U.K. By comparison, the second-largest destina- tion for Canadian exports in the EU is Germany, a market worth less than a quarter of the U.K.’s market to Canadian exporters.

The British government estimated that Canadian exports to the U.K. would increase by 15 per cent as a result of CETA, while British exports to Canada would increase by 29 per cent — well worth it for both.

But the U.K. is leaving the EU. So even if the EU now cannot complete CETA, the U.K. could have the same deal ready to commence on the day Brexit becomes official. Conversely, even in the unlikely event the EU does now manage to resurrect CETA, a significan­t part of its value to Canada will lapse without the U.K. included. A “CUKTA” deal with the U.K. will be eas- ier and quicker.

Given the complexiti­es involved in negotiatin­g such deals, it might well be better for both Canada and the U.K. just to agree to enact virtually word-for-word what both countries had agreed to in backing CETA, rather than restarting a years-long process. But in due course it might be worth revisiting certain provisions and lacunae to better suit this particular bilateral arrangemen­t. We might remove certain labour restrictio­ns demanded by other EU countries but that not necessaril­y a priority for the U.K. We might add in extra access to the U.K. for Canada’s financial services sector. Having such a deal come into force on the day of Brexit, in early 2019, wouldn’t do any harm to the Liberals’ chances in the 2019 federal election, either.

It’s also worth pondering how a CUKTA might be extended into other deals. Hillary Clinton says the TPP is dead. But as president, she would not likely want to appear completely anti-trade. Both a potential Clinton administra­tion, and the U.K. government, might be interested in a quick deal to extend NAFTA to Britain. Or, a Canada-U.K. deal might someday be expanded to include the U.S.

Alternativ­ely, or perhaps also, we should bear in mind that other countries have expressed an eagerness to do an early deal with the U.K, notably Australia. Given their natural affinities, a trade agreement between Canada, Australia and the U.K. (perhaps also including New Zealand — making the whole set a “CANZUK”) should be doable. That might also be combined with other schemes, such as granting an automatic right to the citizens of these four states to live and work in each other’s countries.

The EU has got itself to a place where it finds it very difficult to make any internatio­nal trade agreements. Even if CETA is salvaged, without the U.K. in Europe, much of its value was lost anyway. Canada already has in CETA a template to strike an early (and easy) deal with the U.K. that could benefit both in the post-Brexit era. CETA may be dead. But, if so, long live CUKTA or CANZUK!

 ?? EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? A man holds a poster reading ‘Stop TTIP — Stop CETA.’
EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / GETTY IMAGES A man holds a poster reading ‘Stop TTIP — Stop CETA.’

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