National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener

ACROSS 1. Spanish lady 5. Bottle stopper 9. Strong wind 13. Ancient Greek contest 14. Bay window 16. Enthusiast­ic 17. Two: Fr. 18. Blue ___ (Canadian rock

group) 19. Give obligingly 20. Student in their final year 22. Independen­ce 24. Metal-bearing minerals 26. Wine cask 27. Religious building 29. Boat race 33. Maxwell Smart’s opponents 34. Spuds 36. ___ Van Winkle 37. Evil spirit 38. Large 39. Raised railroads 40. Golf ball holder 41. Bay lynx 44. Give up 45. Stockings 47. Move backward 49. Be able to 50. Percussion instrument 51. Of tens 55. Partial refund 59. Herring sauce 60. Transparen­t linen 63. Chinese gelatin 64. Grinding machine 65. Rock star ___ John 66. Superman’s girl 67. Of a whitish complexion 68. Run with bounding steps 69. Stare at

DOWN 1. Papas 2. Cyma 3. Part of speech 4. Greatly worried 5. Remove errors from 6. Spanish gold 7. Disencumbe­r 8. Ship part 9. Principal ore of lead 10. Affirm with confidence 11. Bits of thread 12. Small whirlpool 15. Spend time idly 21. Famous Canadian hockey

player 23. ___ Bunny 25. Run down 27. Small role in a movie 28. Looks forward to 29. Think highly of 30. Cornered 31. Diacritic placed over an n 32. Part of a 27 Across 33. Acquaintan­ces 35. Involuntar­y muscular

contractio­n 41. Widest part 42. Elaboratel­y adorned 43. Earthly 44. Harpsichor­d 46. Winter pendant 48. Actor’s signal 51. Slightly wet 52. Lamb’s pen name 53. Hermit’s hut 54. Lounge about 56. Highly excited 57. Cat’s appendage 58. Celtic language 61. Japanese statesman 62. Cut branches from a tree

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