National Post (National Edition)

Public vs. private sector, and the cost


There are many things you can say about people in government giving one another more generous pay than those in private life. But not that it isn’t happening. Or that it’s surprising.

A new Fraser Institute study confirms, again, that public-sector wages and salaries are over 10 per cent higher than for comparable private-sector positions, adjusted for age, gender, experience and so forth. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Public-sector workers also enjoy the overly generous pensions that have largely vanished in the private sector due to their tendency to bankrupt firms. Nearly 90 per cent of government workers get a registered pension plan as against under a quarter in the private sector. And over 90 per cent of government plans are the lavish defined-benefit sort, against less than half of private plans. One proof of pension generosity: public-sector workers retire more than two years earlier on average.

As far as the researcher­s could measure, the difference­s just keep piling up. Government workers take 60 per cent more “personal leave” time a year and, or because, they are seven times less likely to lose their jobs. Defend it if you will. But don’t say it’s not going on or that it doesn’t matter.

There is room to quibble at the margins. It could be argued, not entirely snidely, that many public-sector jobs lack precise private-sector equivalent­s. Police officers are not just security guards with better pensions, and there’s no such thing as a private soldier in Canada … mercifully. Both these noble profession­s underline the difference­s that arise because there is no private-sector equivalent to the state’s monopoly on legitimate force.

I’m all for proper compensati­on for those who put their lives on the line for us. And I do not wish to see teachers subsist primarily on rice and beans. Even government­al positions like associate assistant deputy minister (yes really, EX-04 classifica­tion federally), which do not exist in the private sector for the same reason people salt leeches that attach themselves to their legs, should be reasonably paid.

Government cannot be “run like a business” given the necessary lack of “consumer choice” about, say, which police force to be arrested by or which tax collector to patronize. “Red tape” is the alternativ­e to total lack of oversight, and bureaucrat­s need to feed their families, too. But not at the expense of sucking the private sector dry with an air of sanctimony. And this Fraser study even understate­s the difference­s by leaving out the self-employed. (So don’t forget to visit www. and make a monthly pledge.)

There are limits to statistica­l analysis here as elsewhere. Appropriat­e data may not be available, which the Fraser study addresses. And some things simply resist quantifica­tion.

For instance, you might think government work would be less stressful on average, given the tension that arises from not knowing where your next paycheque but one might be coming from. Instead it seems to be exceptiona­lly demoralizi­ng, given its “Yes, Minister” atmosphere of procedures that convert hard work into comic futility. But the problem of excessive public-sector compensati­on remains real. And like much in the modern state, it is unsustaina­ble over time, but can do much harm before it collapses.

So what is to be done? First, many jobs now exclusivel­y or primarily public could be contracted out. Indeed, the ferocity with which public-sector unions fight such proposals, from school vouchers to private garbage collection, shows how well they understand what a ridiculous­ly good deal they get from the state. Other government jobs, for instance in big bureaucrac­ies devoted to business subsidies, should not exist at all.

Second, we need to understand why government­s consistent­ly cut themselves such a big slice of the pie. Consider politician­s’ obnoxious habit of “buying labour peace” on extravagan­t terms from public-sector

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