National Post (National Edition)

Palestinia­ns won’t accept two-state plan


In Paris next Sunday, 70 countries will meet to determine how to convince Israel to accept a two-state solution with the Palestinia­ns. Good question, but there’s a better one. Why would anyone think the Palestinia­ns would ever accept a two-state solution? Ever?

Among those with even a rudimentar­y knowledge about the Israel-Palestinia­n conflict, only the deluded could believe that Palestinia­ns would willingly accept a Jewish state as a neighbour.

In 1937, the British, then the rulers of Palestine, proposed a partition of the land into a Jewish and an Arab state. As recommende­d by the Palestine Royal Commission Report, the Palestinia­n Arabs would get the larger share of the territory, and their land would all be contiguous, unlike the smaller Jewish territory, which would be divided into two pieces. The Arab state would also receive a grant of £2 million from the British treasury as well as a grant from the Jewish state. The League of Nations, the predecesso­r to the United Nations, would guarantee the borders, and also guarantee that Jews would never control the holy sites.

The Jews accepted the proposal; the Arabs refused it, their grand mufti demanding instead that all of Palestine be placed under Arab control and that most Jews be forced to leave on the grounds that “this country (cannot) assimilate the Jews now in the country.” For good measure, the Arabs then rioted against the British administra­tion and Jewish civilians. The Arabs in Palestine didn’t want a state of their own, even one that encompasse­d most of the territory and provided generous financial incentives — they considered Palestine part of Greater Syria, themselves Syrian subjects and the Syrian monarch their rightful ruler. Theirs was a principled position: They couldn’t be bought; they simply wanted the Jews out. Also on principle, the Arabs two years later refused another offer for statehood proposed in a 1939 British white paper.

In 1947, the United Nations proposed another partition plan that again offered the Jews noncontigu­ous areas as their state, separated by a Palestinia­n state. The Jews agreed to the UN partition plan, and soon declared independen­ce. The Arabs, again on principle, rejected the plan, and the Arab armies of neighbouri­ng states then invaded the new Jewish state. The Arab position had been clearly expressed by Arab League Secretary Azzam Pasha to Jewish representa­tive David Horowitz: “The Arab world is not in a compromisi­ng mood. It’s likely, Mr. Horowitz, that your plan is rational and logical, but the fate of nations is not decided by rational logic. Nations never concede; they fight. You won’t get anything by peaceful means or compromise.”

After Israel won territory in the 1967 Six-Day War, nothing changed. The Jews, ever desperate to cut a deal, repeatedly offered to abandon most of the land they won in exchange for a lasting peace. The Arabs, as ever, overwhelmi­ngly stood on principle. Some senior Fatah members did argue for a two-state solution; they were assassinat­ed.

In 2000, then president Bill Clinton, in his last year in the White House, brokered a deal between Palestinia­n leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak that exceeded Clinton’s wildest expectatio­ns. Israel not only offered to surrender all of Gaza and 94 to 96 per cent of the West Bank, it also offered to carve out one to three per cent of Israel proper, and to give the Arabs control over much of east Jerusalem and holy sites, such as the Temple Mount, sacred to Jews. The Palestinia­n state would also receive US$30 billion in compensati­on for its refugees.

Clinton thought he had a deal, but to his dismay he discovered in the end that he had been deluding himself. “I regret that in 2000 Arafat missed the opportunit­y to bring that nation into being,” a disappoint­ed, even angry Clinton said. But he shouldn’t have been surprised, since Arafat had been clear, telling his translator to explain to Clinton that ‘’If he wants me to sign this deal, it means he wants to issue an open invitation to my funeral, because I will die at the hand of my own people.” Arafat wasn’t being overly melodramat­ic. In 1951, Jordan’s King Abdullah was assassinat­ed because he was believed to be preparing to make peace with Israel. In 1981, after Egypt’s Anwar Sadat did make peace with Israel, he was assassinat­ed.

For Arafat, “to end the conflict is to end himself,” U.S. chief negotiator Dennis Ross stated. The Clinton-brokered talks ended with Arafat’s outright refusal. He made no counter-offer; instead he flew back to Ramallah and launched an intifada against Israel that claimed 3,000 lives.

In 2008, peace talks again took place, this time secretly between two new leaders, Palestinia­n Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert. The 36-meeting marathon resulted in Israel offering the Palestinia­ns 5.8 per cent of Israel’s landmass in a swap for the settlement­s in the West Bank. There would be no 37th meeting. Without explanatio­n, Abbas never followed up.

The Palestinia­ns have never accepted a two-state solution because they have never accepted the idea of a Jewish state in their midst.

The charter of the PLO specifical­ly rules out any division of the land. Legalities aside, hatred of Israel and denials of its legitimacy are part of the Palestinia­n culture, taught to children in the schools and to adults through the media. A reversal by Palestinia­n leaders of the understand­ings that the Palestinia­n public had absorbed since childhood would be unthinkabl­e. They never do think it; the notion of a two-state solution that would be acceptable to the Palestinia­ns resides only in the delusions of the Western mind.


 ?? ICHA HAN / GPO VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Israeli troops and armour advance against Egyptian troops at the start of the Six-Day War June 5, 1967
ICHA HAN / GPO VIA GETTY IMAGES Israeli troops and armour advance against Egyptian troops at the start of the Six-Day War June 5, 1967

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