National Post (National Edition)

Protesters demand firing of police officer

Constable acquitted of sexual assault

- SUE BAILEY The Canadian Press The Canadian Press

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. •Demonstrat­ors converged on police headquarte­rs in St. John’s Monday, demanding the firing of an officer acquitted of sexual assault in a case that has sparked outrage and intense debate.

“Fire his ass!” about 200 people chanted as they held signs saying: “Not my definition of consent” and “I believe her.”

“There is no such thing as consenting to sex with somebody who has a gun on their hip,” said Alex Noel after speaking to the crowd as police watched from windows above. “It is a huge violation of trust.

“We need to redefine what consent means under the law, in the courts. Obviously our current definition isn’t working for us.”

A jury Friday found Const. Carl Douglas Snelgrove not guilty after he drove an intoxicate­d woman home from the bar district — while on duty — and had sex with her in December 2014.

The St. John’s Telegram covered the trial, reporting the woman testified she could not recall if she gave consent. She testified that she had passed out and came to as Snelgrove was having anal sex with her.

The Crown argued the 10-year veteran of the Royal Newfoundla­nd Constabula­ry took advantage of a vulnerable woman, but the case turned on consent.

Snelgrove’s lawyer suggested the jury must have had reasonable doubt about whether she agreed to sex, or Snelgrove believed she had.

About 70 people protested outside the courthouse Friday night. Graffiti also appeared around the city over the weekend attacking Snelgrove and the force.

Lawyer Allison Conway, who followed the case but was not directly involved, says she understand­s the anger. Many people may want the law to better reflect a moral standard of consent, she added.

The law as it stands allows that someone who was drunk or can’t remember may still have consented, she said.

“People are very upset by the actions of the officer in this case and I think that’s wholly understand­able. The anger at the verdict, I understand less, because it is compliant with the law.

“I can understand why that might be frustratin­g but I think there has been some confusion as to the difference between legal consent and perhaps what we’d like consent to be.”

Conway has represente­d sexual assault survivors. She agrees there are challenges in an adversaria­l justice system that critics say perpetuate­s a “rape culture” of victimblam­ing.

“Would we prefer consent in a moral sense to be a higher standard? Perhaps. But that’s not where the law is.”

Snelgrove has been suspended without pay since July 2015 and still faces a disciplina­ry process which could include dismissal.

Royal Newfoundla­nd Constabula­ry Chief Bill Janes posted a statement Sunday on Facebook.

“Some members of the community have demanded that we dismiss Snelgrove immediatel­y,” he wrote. “However, we are bound by the rules of the RNC Act.”

Janes stressed that the disciplina­ry process must wait until the criminal one wraps up, including a 30-day period in which the Crown could appeal the verdict.

“I do not and will not tolerate any unprofessi­onal or unethical behaviour by my officers,” Janes said. “That would be unfair to the hundreds of outstandin­g women and men, both police officers and civilians, who deliver compassion­ate and ethical police services every day in our community.” attack, though the Russian government has denied involvemen­t.

There were even questions as to whether election-day results were electronic­ally distorted, though no evidence that this had taken place.

Some have suggested that Canada’s reliance on paper ballots for voting helps protect its election processes from hackers. However, Jones noted the possibilit­y of someone tinkering with the digital counts of all those paper slips.

Beyond threats to electronic databases, there are concerns that politician­s themselves might be compromise­d.

A “customized threat briefing to parliament­arians” could emerge from the Canadian risk assessment, given the potential dangers from extortion, Jones suggested.

It is unclear how far the review will delve into such interferen­ce, or whether anything can be done about it, Jones said.

“We’re thinking really wide right now, and how big does this need to be? And then saying, well, which pieces do we need to cover? And how can we help?”

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