National Post (National Edition)

Bitumen brawl splits Alberta, B.C. NDP

Policy rift threatens party unity

- in Vancouver ADRIAN MACNAIR

Bubbling beneath the surface of the B.C. campaign trail is a bitumen brawl between this province’s New Democrats and Alberta’s. And while neither political party seems willing to speak openly about the issue, the internal rift threatens unity at a time when the Orange Crush is poised to spill across B.C., upending the 16-year dynasty of the Liberals.

Early last week, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley gave the clearest sign of the trouble between her party and the B.C. NDP, publicly admitting she has barred her staff from taking a leave of absence to assist them. It comes as something of a surprise, given the fact B.C. NDP staffers were seen as being instrument­al in securing Notley’s historic win in 2015.

“Certainly, it’s difficult for them to be working for our government, and then also supporting candidates who would be opposed to the successful constructi­on of the Kinder Morgan pipeline,” Notley told Don Braid of the Calgary Herald last Thursday.

“We see that as being critical to our economic prosperity and growth in this province. And so, that is the message that has been delivered and I trust that people will follow it.”

Some might see Notley’s stance as being critical to the Alberta NDP’s slim chances of winning re-election in that province in 2019, especially after spending the first two years in power pushing through an unpopular carbon tax and lauding the Trudeau government’s own carbon tax.

Of course, that support depended heavily on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s flip-flop on the pipeline issue, as noted by Kai Nagata of the Dogwood Initiative, a Victoria-based environmen­tal activist non-profit.

On Nov. 29, 2016, Trudeau and his government approved the controvers­ial Trans Mountain Pipeline, which aims to transport 850,000 barrels of oil per day to Burnaby’s Burrard Inlet terminal, for export to foreign markets.

“The gap between the two positions is reflective of the gap between Alberta’s interests and B.C.’s interests,” said Nagata. “I do think that the Alberta government believes that it is acting in the best interests of its own reelection.” says the number would have to double before the reward could possibly outweigh the environmen­tal risk.

Currently, the heavy sulphur oilsands bitumen being exported from Alberta is being shipped to refineries in the U.S., and then reimported to Canada, where Vancouver drivers are frustrated to find it for sale at the pumps at $1.40 a litre.

“I would argue that at current prices, what we’re doing with crude oil mimics the effects of shipping out raw logs and buying back furniture,” said Nagata.

And if Trans Mountain bitumen isn’t being exported to Asia, there’s an argument that there are already enough pipelines that service U.S. refineries now, including Line 3, Seaway, Clipper and the contentiou­s Keystone XL.

Bruce Hill has been a pipeline watchdog and activist for the past 15 years in

But if the energy battle between the B.C. and Alberta NDP seems at odds, Hill says the bigger “policy vacuum” can be found in the federal NDP. When leader Tom Mulcair was in Terrace to give a speech three years ago, Hill says he asked whether the NDP would be willing to lead a conversati­on on Canada’s energy policy.

“He said, ‘Absolutely not. This is a provincial jurisdicti­on.’ “

But if the B.C. NDP are elected May 9 and leader John Horgan sticks to his promise to block Trans Mountain, who has jurisdicti­on?

It’s an issue that will surely end up in federal court, along with the municipali­ties of Vancouver and Burnaby who also oppose the project. Hill said Kinder Morgan may even decide to spike the project rather than go through the $500-million mistake that was the doomed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline proposal.

Notley’s aggressive and adamant stance only makes sense from a purely political standpoint: her re-election depends on supporting Alberta’s oilsands. A Mainstream Research poll taken in February finds Notley’s NDP in third place, with 23 per cent of support among voters.

But is it still worth investing in fossil fuels? Earlier this month, Tesla Motors moved past General Motors to become the most valuable automaker in the U.S., signalling the rise in renewable energies spurred on almost entirely by free market forces.

The balance of power in B.C. could shift on May 9, not just for the B.C. NDP, but across the entire country, as the fight over crude oil spills into a messy national debate.

 ?? JASON PAYNE / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? British Columbia NDP party leader John Horgan, here at the annual Surrey Vaisakhi Parade in Surrey, B.C. is at odds with Alberta’s NDP Premier Rachel Notley on pipeline policy and expansion of oil extraction from the oilsands.
JASON PAYNE / POSTMEDIA NEWS British Columbia NDP party leader John Horgan, here at the annual Surrey Vaisakhi Parade in Surrey, B.C. is at odds with Alberta’s NDP Premier Rachel Notley on pipeline policy and expansion of oil extraction from the oilsands.

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