National Post (National Edition)



When I was a teenager, I used to sneak downstairs every Saturday night to watch Sex and The City. I remember one infamous episode where Carrie Bradshaw’s boyfriend, Berger, breaks up with her on a Post-It note. Carrie then spends the rest of the episode railing about how unacceptab­le it is to end a relationsh­ip with only a short written message. That episode, however, was filmed before there was a smartphone in every pocket. Back then a text was still something you studied in English Lit.

Today we text to wish friends a happy birthday, to tell our family we love them, or to tell off roommates for stealing our peanut butter.

And yet, many people still believe it’s socially unacceptab­le to break up with somebody by text. Such thinking is outmoded. In 2017, dumping someone over text message is a perfectly okay.

In an era where ghosting has gone mainstream, texting to end a relationsh­ip is no longer lazy. It’s going above and beyond by modern standards.

Think about what texting entails: you have to actually stop scrolling through Instagram long enough to type ten to eighteen words announcing the end of your relationsh­ip. You must do so with your own bare hands. In a technologi­cal age where many folks I know would rather order UberEats than walk across the street to get food, typing with your fingers feels like a Herculean effort.

In contrast, the idea of voice calling someone to dump them – or actually meeting them in real life – is just plain old-fashioned. It’s as antiquated as telegraphs, or ending your engagement to a soldier through a Dear John letter, like your great aunt did back in 1942. In the 21st century, no one picks up the phone to call you unless it’s a matter of life and death – and sometimes not even then! My father notified me of my grandma’s passing via text message, and I didn’t bat an eye.

So, if my dear old dad can use an SMS to inform me of a beloved relative shaking off this mortal coil, it’s socially acceptable to end a six-week relationsh­ip that way. Hell, I wouldn’t judge if you asked your partner for a divorce with an emoji.

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