National Post (National Edition)

In the end, new leader had the fewest enemies

Policies make Scheer a Liberal target


TORONTO • Forty-two minutes after Andrew Scheer’s come-from-behind victory over Maxime Bernier Saturday evening made him the new leader of the Conservati­ve Party of Canada, the Liberals sent out a fundraisin­g email accusing him of being “out of touch.”

“He has opposed equal marriage and a woman’s right to choose, and has no plan to grow the economy or support Canada’s middle class,” it reads.

Though Scheer’s leadership campaign relied less on proposing policy than did the campaigns of some of his rivals, the Liberals and NDP are using those he did promote to paint his election as a victory for the far right.

Liberal MP Adam Vaughan, in attendance Saturday at the CPC’s Toronto convention to begin the work of trying to respond to Scheer’s victory, said the Saskatchew­an MP’s win “tells you very clearly that this is a party that’s turning the clocks back.”

“We’re going back to the debates we thought we’d settled back in the ’80s,” he said in an interview with the National Post.

The sections of Scheer’s campaign website that outlined his policies were removed immediatel­y after his victory Saturday. During the race he had positioned himself as a conservati­ve, though one not given to the social and economic libertaria­nism that characteri­zed Bernier’s approach.

Like Bernier, Scheer has promised to balance the budget within two years. But he supports supply management, the system that controls dairy, egg and chicken prices to provide stability for farmers, which Bernier had promised to scrap.

Scheer told reporters that Quebec dairy farmers “absolutely” helped him to win the leadership on Saturday; he beat Bernier in the Quebec MP’s own riding of Beauce, with its large farming community.

Like most Conservati­ve leadership candidates, Scheer is vehemently opposed to carbon pricing. He also voted against Bill C-16, which would expand the Canadian Human Rights Act to protect against discrimina­tion on the basis of gender identity and expression.

Scheer has also promised a $1,000 tax credit for home-schooled children, and to make up to $4,000 of independen­t school tuition taxdeducti­ble.

Perhaps Scheer’s most notable policy to date has been his pledge that universiti­es won’t receive federal funding if they don’t defend free speech, a response to recent incidents like the cancellati­on of a pro-life group’s event at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Vaughan was quick to attack the idea on Saturday. “What kind of country do we live in when university funding is at the whim … of a social conservati­ve?” he said.

Scheer was likely bolstered by social conservati­ve voters on Saturday. Pro-life candidates Brad Trost and Pierre Lemieux performed better than expected overall, with Trost landing in fourth place; when Trost fell off the ballot, Scheer closed the gap with Bernier.

The Campaign Life Coalition’s website says Scheer has an “impeccable voting record” on abortion issues.

Still, Scheer has said he doesn’t want to reopen debates on “divisive issues” like abortion and same-sex marriage. On Saturday, his focus was clearly on the unity of the party.

From my point of view, Andrew Scheer is Stephen Harper with a better smile

“The Conservati­ve Party must be a party for all of its members,” Scheer told reporters after his victory.

Vaughan claimed the results show the Conservati­ve Party is “split right down the middle” between social conservati­ves and those who favour libertaria­n policies such as Bernier’s.

Saturday’s win, he said, was a victory for policies “as bizarre as they are disturbing.”

“From my point of view, Andrew Scheer is Stephen Harper with a better smile,” said NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice. “And younger.” (Scheer’s supporters have also made the Harper-with-a-smile comparison; among Conservati­ves, it’s a good thing.)

But Scheer’s victory came as a surprise to the Liberals and NDP, who had been banking on a Bernier win.

On Friday evening at the convention, the Liberal Party was already handing out gift bags with a pair of scissors to illustrate Bernier’s planned cuts to federal program spending, and a wedge of Oka cheese in reference to his promise to dismantle supply management.

But by Saturday night they had rallied, and were already rolling out plan B — erasers with Harper’s face on them.

“Andrew Scheer can’t erase the past,” the erasers read.

 ?? COLE BURSTON / BLOOMBERG ?? Andrew Scheer speaks after being named the Conservati­ve Party’s next leader in Toronto on Saturday.
COLE BURSTON / BLOOMBERG Andrew Scheer speaks after being named the Conservati­ve Party’s next leader in Toronto on Saturday.

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