National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener


1. River in France 5. Having great importance 10. Tool handle 14. A fight with guns, in the past 15. Robe worn by Muslim women 16. Up to the task 17. Historical periods 18. Apple drink 19. Sign gas 20. Touch the heart of 22. Short sock 24. Martial arts training uniforms 26. Another name for Xiamen 27. Harsh and angry words 31. Put where people can see it 35. Surface size 36. Audacity 38. Assistant 39. Tree of India 40. Hurricane centre 41. Spanish for nothing 42. Small hotels 43. Incandesce­nt particle 45. Make a sweater 46. Turn into something else 48. Indian fig trees 50. Seaweed extract 51. ___ Lanka 52. Tap 55. Armpit 60. Grunt of a pig 61. Genus of elm trees 65. Murmuring sounds

made by doves 66. Seed covering 67. Moving freely 68. Feeling of tightness,

as in one stomach 69. Hand out, as punishment 70. Temporary stopping

of breathing 71. Abominable snowman


1. Vague indication 2. Waves breaking on the shore 3. Plant part 4. Different 5. Group within a larger group 6. Kimono sash 7. One who behaves crudely 8. A vote of yes 9. “The Man from ___” (1955 western) 10. Questionab­le behaviour 11. Adam and Eve’s son 12. Sheet of floating ice 13. Shelter for campers 21. Film special effects, for short 23. Numbers: abbr. 25. Wrestling hold 26. Parts of speech 27. Race of Norse gods 28. Goddess of peace 29. Young people 30. Appearing ready to collapse 32. Climbing woody vine 33. Recipe direction 34. “The Winding Stair” poet 37. Scandinavi­an handwoven rug 43. Spreading implement 44. Arm of the Arctic Ocean

off the coast of Russia 47. Length of life 49. Put an end to 52. Shaving cream type 53. River in England 54. Single, complete thing 56. Disgusting 57. Unaccompan­ied 58. Stolen money 59. Italian town famous

for its sparkling wine 62. Cut off branches from 63. My: Fr. 64. Go through

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