National Post (National Edition)

‘Vendetta’ against victim halted

Mother of murdered child wins lawsuit

- CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD National Post cblatchfor­

ABrantford, Ont., man who subjected the “impoverish­ed, grieving mother” of a murdered child to a decade of “tooth and nail” court litigation as the trustee of his killer brother’s estate was “carrying out a vendetta” against her.

The stinging decision, which orders the man, Michael Osidacz, to personally repay about $240,000 to the woman, Julie Craven, and the estate of his brother came in a costs decision from Ontario Superior Court Judge Thomas Lofchik.

It followed an earlier decision, in May, in which Lofchik ruled that Osidacz had to pay about $71,000 back to the estate he had essentiall­y stripped of funds in order to finance his fight against Craven.

The new amount, about $170,000, is an award for solicitor-client costs and will go to Craven personally.

“It should have been clear to any reasonable person that Julie Craven was entitled to substantia­l damages … and using the assets of the estate to advance speculativ­e and groundless defences” was designed to bleed the estate of money so Craven “saw no or at least the minimal amount …”

Osidacz’s brother, Andrew, killed his and his former wife Craven’s eightyear-old son Jared on March 8, 2006, four years after the couple’s acrimoniou­s breakup and two years after he had pleaded guilty to assaulting her.

He first stabbed his thengirlfr­iend Paula Ferrell and her daughter Sarah; Jared, who was in Osidacz’s custody by court order that weekend, was upstairs, heard the Ferrells screaming, and came running down, yelling “Daddy don’t kill them!”

Osidacz turned his attention to his son then, and the mother and daughter escaped, seriously wounded but alive.

That’s when he attacked the little boy.

Later that night, covered in Jared’s blood, he burst into Craven’s home where, for 45 minutes, he held her hostage at knifepoint, taunting her by telling her he’d killed Jared and that his last words were, “Daddy, please don’t kill me!”

It was when he raised the knife and was about to plunge it into Craven’s throat that he was shot to death by Brantford police officers.

In his will, made about the time the couple separated after he assaulted her, Osidacz provided nothing for Craven nor Jared, and appointed his brother Michael as the trustee of his estate, worth at the time about $400,000.

“The judge found that about $160,000 was spent in legal fees “defending an action that was clearly likely to succeed” and to which there was virtually no defence.

He said it amounted to “totally irrational and reckless conduct” by Osidacz.

At the heart of the litigation was the wrongful death of Jared, a lovely boy with a mop of black hair who was the light of Craven’s life, and the suffering she endured from the loss of Jared and Andrew Osidacz’s attempted murder of her.

“… there is no doubt in my mind that this was a horrifical­ly terrifying experience and that Julie Craven truly feared for her life,” Lofchik wrote. The uncontradi­cted evidence at trial was that she still suffers from posttrauma­tic stress disorder, with its chronic anxiety and panic attacks, which Osidacz the trustee admitted, but refused to acknowledg­e that the effects disabled her from working.

“I am satisfied … that the lingering after-effects … have scarred her for life,” the judge said.

Yet Osidacz “appears to have personal opinions” about his brother’s first assault and the attempted murder that are “contrary to facts found by impartial parties that influenced his judgment and overall approach.

“Thus motivated, Michael Osidacz soldiered on with his agenda of hostility and denial,” the judge said.

He concluded that, “Essentiall­y, Michael Osidacz ran up his legal bills to a maximum until he was stopped by an order of this court” and that by “raising unnecessar­y and unsubstant­iated defences … without any evidentiar­y basis, had enormous consequenc­es, resulting in a situation where the estate trustee essentiall­y used estate funds to bankroll his legal fees and run up a gigantic bill without regard to any of the consequenc­es.”

Ultimately, Lofchik awarded Craven a total of $565,000, an amount that exceeded what the estate was worth at its height and far more than it is now — less than $100,000.

However, it is the awards against Osidacz personally that drive home the lessons that, in modern Canadian litigation, the “losers pay” approach usually rules, and that executors must not engage in meritless actions.

In that regard, while Osidacz “attempted to portray himself as a person of limited means,” the judge said “it was demonstrat­ed at trial that this is not the case.”

Osidacz owns a mortgagefr­ee house in Brantford and “was forced to admit,” as the judge put it, that “he owns seven rental properties, five of which were mortgage free …”

The judge said that if Osidacz had defended the case in a reasonable manner, his legal costs would have been only about $45,000.

Osidacz is, of course, appealing the $71,000 order, so Craven’s long fight, which she has waged virtually alone but for her lawyer Mike Jaeger, isn’t over yet. Julie Craven has won $240,000 from the estate of Andrew Osidacz, who killed their eight-year-old son 10 years ago before being shot by police.

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