National Post (National Edition)




The Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival isn’t all red carpets and champagne toasts, it’s also a hotbed for blood-soaked maniacs, horny cannibals, Japanese water-demons and too many dead teens to count. And don’t forget that one time a poor man who was permanentl­y sewn into a walrus costume fashioned from human skin.

These grotesque, absurd and depraved scenes are all courtesy of TIFF’s Midnight Madness, featuring a slate of genre films that play each day of the festival when the clock strikes the witching hour.

In a festival world full of pretension and superficia­l posturing, Midnight Madness is an alternate dimension where the wild things live. Its fearless foray into the strange and macabre counts some of TIFF’s most dedicated fans who dress up as creatures that go bump in the night, brave lineups that span city blocks and stay up until 3 a.m. watching films in a theatre with no concession stand.

When Midnight Madness was founded in 1988, it was entirely unique in the world of film festivals and no one expected it to reach the heights it has today. Former programmer Colin Geddes even once admitted to a CTV reporter that it was initially conceived for genre films that “were kind of looked down upon” and was seen by some within the organizati­on as “a bit of a ghetto.”

While other programs inspire critics to nod their heads in affirmatio­n and audiences to genteelly applaud, Midnight Madness is known for making its viewers pass out and puke. Last year, an ambulance had to be called to a screening of feminist cannibal film Raw. Theatres fill with laughter, high-pitched shrieks and collective cheering that rivals the atmosphere of playoff season, while beach balls and inflatable sharks bounce around the audience. Forget George Clooney and Angelina Jolie dressed to the nines, Midnight Madness’s red carpet has seen a herd of sheep donning tiaras and a flatbed truck full of strippers.

Most film festival programs keep fans at a velvet rope’s distance and nitpick over etiquette formalitie­s like wearing heels on the red carpet (Cannes kicked several women off the carpet after not doing so in 2015). Midnight Madness stands out because of its radical symbiotic relationsh­ip with hardcore fans, who can be credited as much as programmer­s for the lineup’s growth and hot ticket status.

Its embrace of crazed audiences wielding blow-up Spider-Man dolls and donning Green Lantern suits attracts avant-garde and forwardthi­nking talent who want to connect and exercise their creative muscles with receptive viewers. Directors and actors sound just as fervent as fans when they talk about Midnight Madness: prolific Japanese director Takashi Miike often refers to his experience in Toronto as the highlight of his career, Eli Roth once half-jokingly offered to buy the Uptown theatre where his film Cabin Fever first screened, and Quentin Tarantino would attend premières for films that he had no part in at all.

This electric atmosphere is why it’s grown beyond a geeky sideshow into a hotbed for seeing the next Oscarworth­y directors, A-list stars embracing more interestin­g projects, unexpected blockbuste­rs and future cult classics. Peter Jackson screened his 1989 dark puppet comedy Meet the Feebles at Midnight Madness years before he’d pick up three Oscars for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and Tarantino put the lineup on the map when he premièred Reservoir Dogs in 1992. Other notable titles include Hostel, Dazed and Confused, Borat, Blair Witch, The Grudge, Green Room and You’re Next. It single-handedly launched never-ending The Saw series.

In 2015, horror film Hardcore reportedly closed the biggest business deal of the fest when it was acquired by STX for $10 million. The Ryerson Theatre has seen the likes of Patrick Stewart, Brie Larson, Nicolas Cage, Colin Farrell, Christophe­r Walken, Megan Fox, Woody Harrelson and Malin Akerman. This year, James Franco and Seth Rogen will further prove that star power can be found outside of gala presentati­ons.

However, after years of fan support into the wee hours of the morning, TIFF has eliminated one of the most popular ways to view the lineup: the dedicated Midnight Madness pass, which guaranteed one ticket to each of the 10 screenings. For 2017, fans must now purchase a 10-ticket Regular Flex pack or a combinatio­n of six-packs and be left with two extra tickets for other films. According to Midnight Madness curator Peter Kuplowsky, “this change allows you the opportunit­y to pick your preferred dates and times for the films, rather than commit only to the midnight screenings.” There will also be no premium screenings at Midnight Madness “regardless of how red the Ryerson carpet gets.”

But some fans aren’t buying it. The problem with the flex packs is that it forces Midnight Madness devotees to book screenings separately, requiring a lot more effort and no guarantee that they’ll get tickets to all 10 screenings. Additional­ly, it’s quite a bit more expensive. Last year, an under-25 Midnight Madness pass sold for $130 and a regular pass sold for $195. This year, a 10-ticket Regular Flex pack retails for $240. It’s easy to see how some longtime attendees worry about being abandoned by TIFF after years of support that made the program what it is today.

Put simply, Midnight Madness isn’t Midnight Madness without its fans. The worst- case scenario would be a creeping gentrifica­tion of the program that sees TIFF make more money, but the audience members who dress up and show up with the enthusiasm of teenage groupies replaced with rarefied film snobs and dispassion­ate casual viewers.

After all, there’s little horror fans hate more than clichés — and there’s little more cliché than a successful arts festival forgetting its roots. As TIFF tries to keep up with a changing industry landscape and other top film fests, Midnight Madness is one of its most precious assets and increasing­ly influentia­l programs. Like its onscreen characters, Midnight Madness would be wise not to split up with its diehard fans, thereby all but guaranteei­ng one party’s untimely demise.

Take it from a horror fan: always stay with your group.

 ?? LIONS GATE FILMS ?? Eli Roth once half-jokingly offered to buy the Uptown theatre where his film Cabin Fever first screened in 2002. From left, Cerina Vincent and Rider Strong star in the dark thriller.
LIONS GATE FILMS Eli Roth once half-jokingly offered to buy the Uptown theatre where his film Cabin Fever first screened in 2002. From left, Cerina Vincent and Rider Strong star in the dark thriller.

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