National Post (National Edition)

A health care lesson for Canada

- BACCHUS BARUA National Post

As patients, caregivers and taxpayers, all Canadians care deeply about our healthcare system. It’s important to us that the system has the necessary medical resources, is accessible, and delivers high-quality treatment at an affordable and sustainabl­e cost.

Unfortunat­ely, it’s increasing­ly clear that we have a high-cost system that delivers mediocre, and sometimes remarkably poor, performanc­e — especially compared to other countries that share the same goal of universal access.

Gone are the days when such underperfo­rmance could be swept under the rug and the American health-care system could be dangled as the only alternativ­e — the boogeyman scaring us into believing that the status quo was necessary to preserve the universal nature of Canadian health care. Rather, we are now far more aware that Canada’s system is but one way of doing universal health care. And the consequenc­es of our policy choices are increasing­ly obvious. such wait times longer than medically reasonable.

Data from organizati­ons such as the Commonweal­th Fund defuse the notion that such wait times are a natural consequenc­e of universal health care. For example, 30 per cent of Canadian patients reported waiting two months or longer for an appointmen­t with a specialist, compared with only three per cent in Germany, four per cent in France and seven per cent in the Netherland­s. Similarly, 18 per cent of patients in Canada reported waiting four months or longer for elective surgery, compared to no patients— zero! — in top-performing Germany.

To be fair, there are some areas where we do reasonably well. For example, our system delivers more consultati­ons with family doctors, cataract surgeries, and knee replacemen­ts than the average universal healthcare system. We also have fewer patients dying after a heart attack, and a stellar record on breast and colorectal cancer survival.

On the flip side, our mortality rate following ischemic strokes is higher than in many countries, our survival rate for cervical cancer is only average, and we have the worst record for obstetric trauma (injury to the mother while giving birth). Canada also reports the lowest amount of hospital activity (as measured by discharge rates). An optimistic view of this measure would be that our system is good at keeping patients healthy and out of the hospital.

However, a more sober analysis suggests the existence of a bottleneck of patients waiting to be admitted — a view supported by the fact that hundreds of thousands of Canadians are waiting for treatment. And of course, there remains the question of why our system costs so much if it delivers fewer expensive, in-hospital treatments to patients.

While the tireless defenders of the status quo will undoubtedl­y continue to selectivel­y focus on the few bright spots, the wealth of evidence suggests we have a lot of work to do. Crucially, simply pumping more money into an already expensive system is clearly not the answer.

Let’s take this opportunit­y to eat some humble pie, identify countries that do better than us on any of the 42 performanc­e metrics identified in the Fraser Institute’s report, and learn about what they do differentl­y so that we can improve our system for patients who need it most.

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