National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Hinged metal fastening for a door 5. Go beyond 9. Slingshot shape 12. River in Asia 13. Tombaugh’s discovery in 1930 14. Become cracked or dry 15. Province of ancient Egypt 16. Caulking material 17. Constantly tease someone to make them mad 18. Mythical monsters 20. Joke: Fr. 22. Different 23. Stumble by catching one’s foot 24. Another name for hashish 27. Playground equipment 30. Managed 31. Japanese stringed instrument­s 33. Operates a lathe 35. Of the ear 37. Tips of fingers and toes 39. Daily fare 40. Pieces of eight 42. A prime minister of the Czech Republic 44. French marshal 45. Lowers in rank 47. Not containing flesh 49. Rural deity 50. Concert equipment 51. Feel uncomforta­ble 54. Shattering power of an explosion 58. Sister of one’s mother 59. Say suddenly, without stopping to think 61. Written reminders to pay a debt 62. Disencumbe­rs 63. Buddhist priests of Tibet 64. Becomes old 65. Pou ___ (place to stand on) 66. Catch sight of 67. Hydrant attachment


1. Be suspended 2. Counterpar­t of Eros 3. Sticks of black Japanese ink for painting or writing 4. like better 5. flat surface 6. Black and white seabirds 7. Trio after R 8. Dark and gloomy 9. Former member of a British political party 10. River flowing along the Manchurian-North Korean border 11. Fencing sword 13. Fish: Fr. 14. Toad: Fr. 19. Strong criticism 21. Lean to one side, as a ship 23. Unit of magnetic flux density 24. Amount of produce harvested at one time 25. Felt aversion towards 26. Plant of the parsley family 27. Makes dirty 28. Twist and squeeze tightly 29. Mocking smile 32. Infatuated with 34. Eyelid inflammati­on 36. Candied nuts 38. Tops of mountains 41. Fly high into the air 43. Gullible ones 46. Do some acrobatic feats 48. Old Testament book 50. Put in order 51. Norwegian biologist 52. End a program 53. Open a parcel 54. Light jolt 55. Not functionin­g properly 56. Billiards sticks 57. In ___ (in actual existence) 60. ___ Palmas

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