National Post (National Edition)

‘Enemies’ to blame for unrest: Khamenei


In recent days, enemies of Iran used different tools including cash, weapons, politics and intelligen­ce apparatus to create troubles for the Islamic Republic.


The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime... The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights.


Iran’s leaders accused the U.S., Britain and Saudi Arabia of fomenting protests in the country as government forces struggled to contain increasing­ly violent and widespread unrest.

In his first public comments since protests began six days ago, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country’s supreme leader, blamed the uprising on the “enemies of Iran” and said foreign government­s were sending money and weapons to undermine the Islamic republic.

Speaking to black-chador-clad women who were relatives of veterans and war dead, the 78-year-old Khamenei said, “The enemy is always looking for an opportunit­y and any crevice to infiltrate and strike the Iranian nation.

“In recent days, enemies of Iran used different tools including cash, weapons, politics and intelligen­ce apparatus to create troubles for the Islamic Republic.”

Khamenei, who has final say over all state matters, has blamed foreign adversarie­s for domestic unrest in the past. In 2009, as Green Movement demonstrat­ions rattled his government, he said the post-election unrest was calculated by Iran’s enemies “whether or not its leaders know.”

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At least 21 people have been killed since Thursday, including a police officer and a revolution­ary guardsman, and the violence appeared to be intensifyi­ng Tuesday as security forces fired on crowds and demonstrat­ors attacked police stations.

While Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president, initially offered conciliato­ry words, saying the protesters had legitimate grievances, the government’s stance hardened in recent days.

The head of Tehran’s Revolution­ary Court warned that protesters could face the death penalty if convicted of “moharebeh” — waging war against God — while state television said those arrested after the first 48 hours of demonstrat­ions would be treated more severely. Around 1,000 people have been arrested so far, authoritie­s said.

Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s senior adviser, said the White House was considerin­g new sanctions on Iran in response to its crackdown on the protesters. The sanctions would be likely to target the Revolution­ary Guard, the regime’s elite forces which also control major business interests.

And Trump tweeted, “The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime ... The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!”

Nikki Haley, the White House envoy to the United Nations, said the U.S. would convene an emergency UN session on Iran, and dismissed claims of outside influence as “ridiculous”.

Ali Shamkhani, one of Iran’s top security officials, said that the U.S., Britain and Saudi Arabia were behind the protests and had generated many of the calls on social media for people to take to the streets.

“What is happening in Iran will be over in a few days, and there is no reason to worry at all,” he said, according to Iran’s Press TV.

Many protesters said they had taken to the streets out of economic frustratio­n and a sense that the economy was not improving even after the 2015 nuclear deal eased sanctions on Iran.

Unemployme­nt remains high, and official inflation has crept up to 10 per cent again. A recent increase in egg and poultry prices by as much as 40 per cent, which the government has blamed on a cull over avian flu fears, appears to have sparked the protests.

The protests have rekindled the debate over the Trudeau government’s ongoing efforts to restore diplomatic ties with Tehran.

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland’s office has issued a statement expressing concern about the deaths and calling on Iranian authoritie­s to show restraint.

But the protests have also cast a fresh spotlight on the Liberal government’s plan to renew ties with the Islamic republic, which were first cut by the Harper Conservati­ves in 2012.

Discussion­s between Canadian and Iranian officials have been moving ahead quietly, with Tehran expected to send a delegation to Ottawa for a sixth round of talks in the coming weeks.

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