National Post (National Edition)

Political Ottawa not immune to sex harassment

Nearly 60% of female MPs report abuses

- JOANNA SMITH The Canadian Press

OTTAWA • Some female MPs are sharing their own experience­s with sexually inappropri­ate behaviour, both on and off Parliament Hill.

The Canadian Press surveyed current female MPs of every political stripe last month to find out the extent to which they had been the targets of sexual harassment, assault or misconduct of all kinds, including during their time in elected office.

The responses make clear that political Ottawa — long a bastion of male-dominated power relationsh­ips — is no stranger to inappropri­ate behaviour against women, no matter their stature, with social media being the most common source of complaints.

Of 89 current female members of Parliament, 38 chose to respond to the voluntary survey, which sought their input on everything from lived experience­s to their views on the global conversati­on growing out of allegation­s against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, among others. Anonymity was promised to ensure MPs could share their experience­s and opinions without fear of reprisal.

Nearly 58 per cent of respondent­s said they had personally been the target of one or more forms of sexual misconduct while in office, including inappropri­ate or unwanted remarks, gestures or text messages of a sexual nature.

That includes three MPs who said they were victims of sexual assault and four who said they were the targets of sexual harassment, defined in the survey as insistent and repeated sexual advances.

Nearly half of respondent­s — 47 per cent — said they were subjected to inappropri­ate comments on social media.

“It’s particular­ly good moment for us to show leadership, to take advantage of the spotlight that we have on Parliament Hill, to affirm that sexual harassment can happen in any workplace, not only on the Hollywood casting couches,” said New Democrat MP Sheila Malcolmson, who said she opted to speak publicly out of a sense of responsibi­lity.

Some of the behaviour documented by the survey appears to have been at the hands of those within the corridors of power.

Twenty-two MPs who said they had personally experience­d some form of sexual misconduct in office chose to answer a question about the perpetrato­rs, with five saying it came from an MP from her own party. Ten said it came from an MP in a different political party.

Eight respondent­s said the perpetrato­r was a lobbyist, constituen­t or other stakeholde­r known to them through their role in elected politics, while 18 said it was either someone from outside the world of politics or someone who is anonymous or otherwise unknown to them.

One MP, speaking on condition of anonymity to protect her personal privacy, said that while she has never experience­d sexual harassment on Parliament Hill, she has heard her male colleagues share many jokes and remarks of a sexual nature about female MPs and employees.

Despite her best efforts to make clear that the jokes — which her colleagues find trivial — are unwelcome and inappropri­ate, they have not stopped.

The MPs surveyed were nonetheles­s hesitant to suggest they are worse off than anyone else.

Sixty-three per cent of respondent­s said they don’t believe the level of sexual harassment in political circles is any different than any other workplace.

“I sincerely think it’s not any different than anywhere else,” said Quebec Liberal MP Alexandra Mendes. “I think it’s part of something that is deeply in the male mentality, this sort of underminin­g of women’s capabiliti­es and talents and always sexualizin­g just about everything.”

One MP recalled a voter slipping his hand onto her buttocks when they posed for a photo together during the 2015 federal election campaign.

“I remember the discomfort of having to push his hand away after,” she said, but decided to stay silent.

“What does one do with that? Tell him he’s disgusting and that it’s nauseating?” she said, noting she was on the campaign trail.

“No, I let it go and it’s over.”

There was a higher number of MPs who said they had either witnessed, or been told about, sexual misconduct targeting another woman in their entourage, be it a staffer, page, intern, House of Commons employee or MP.

Two-thirds of respondent­s said such behaviour had occurred rarely, while another four said it happened often.

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Social media was the most common source of complaints among female MPs polled on Parliament Hill.
ADRIAN WYLD / THE CANADIAN PRESS Social media was the most common source of complaints among female MPs polled on Parliament Hill.

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