National Post (National Edition)

The failed treaty that helped remake the world.


- OOnaa.HatHaway and ScOtt J. SHapirO

In the run-up to the awarding of the Lionel Gelber Prize, the National Post presents excerpts from all five nominated books. The winner will be announced on March 13 and give a free public lecture on April 17, 2018, at the Munk School of Global Affairs. Today: Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro on the failed treaty that still helped remake the world.

Crowds gathered outside the Quai d’Orsay to watch the world leaders arrive. Onlookers stood wherever they could: on the sidewalk, on taxis, on trucks, on the parapets of the Seine. Dignitarie­s and journalist­s pressed through the crowds and handed the ushers their invitation­s, yellow cards printed for that date, August 27, 1928, with the words: “Signature du pacte générale renonciati­on à la guerre” — “The Signing of the General Pact for the Renunciati­on of War.”

The ushers led the guests into the grand Salle de l’Horloge, the “Clock Room,” deep within the immense Foreign Ministry. Enormous chandelier­s hung from the hall’s shining gold ceiling, and blood-red drapes sealed off the outside world. Four colorful cartouches, each depicting one of the “Four Continents,” were poised on the exquisitel­y carved moldings. The entire chamber appeared to have been designed to send one message: The Law of the World is made here.

And, indeed, for generation­s, it had been. In this lavishly appointed hall, the internatio­nal community establishe­d a uniform system of measuremen­ts for commerce and science in 1875. The League of Nations, instituted to resolve disputes between states, first assembled here in 1920. And it was here, only a decade earlier, that the victorious nations dictated the terms of the peace to a defeated Germany.

It was hellishly hot inside the Salle de l’Horloge. Blazing klieg lights set up to film the ceremony had turned the Clock Room into an oven, roasting the dignitarie­s in their formal attire. At precisely 3:01, the procession began. Aristide Briand, the French foreign minister, was the master of ceremonies. Just two years earlier, in 1926, he had won the Nobel Peace Prize for brokering the Locarno Treaties, an interlocki­ng set of agreements designed to prevent the major European powers from waging war with each other. Now Briand, together with his American counterpar­t, Frank Kellogg, the U.S. secretary of state, aimed to spread the “Spirit of Locarno” to the entire globe.

As Briand rose to speak, the camera crews switched off the bright klieg lamps and replaced them with a softer spotlight focused on Briand. He began by warmly acknowledg­ing Kellogg on his left, and Gustav Stresemann, the German foreign minister, on his right. This day, he declared, “marks a new date in the history of mankind” and the end of “selfish and willful warfare.” From this moment, the nations of the world will no longer treat war as a lawful means to resolve disputes. The treaty will attack “the evil at its very root” by depriving war of “its legitimacy.” The room burst into applause. Tears ran down Kellogg’s cheeks.

The klieg lights reignited. Blinded, Briand asked that they be switched off, but the cameramen refused.

Briand then turned and bowed to Stresemann, who rose and approached the treaty. His head and neck glistening with perspirati­on, Stresemann sat down at a small table on which the parchment document lay and lifted a foot-long gold fountain pen. Kellogg was next. After Kellogg, Paul Hymans, the Belgian minister of foreign affairs, signed the treaty for Belgium and Briand signed for France. The U.K.’s acting foreign secretary, Lord Cushendun, then signed for Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The plenipoten­tiaries of Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, the Irish Free State, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, and Czechoslov­akia followed suit.

The entire ceremony took less than an hour. At 3:57 p.m., a Swiss Guard banged his halberd on the floor, the cameras stopped rolling, and, for the first time in the history of the world, war was declared illegal.

You don’t have to be an expert in internatio­nal relations to know that the agreement signed that day — the Paris Peace Pact — failed to end war. Three years after the grand pronouncem­ent, Japan invaded China. Four years after that, Italy invaded Ethiopia. Four years later, Germany invaded Poland and then most of Europe. With the exception of Ireland, every one of the states that had gathered in Paris to renounce war was at war. And the ensuing catastroph­e was far more destructiv­e than the one that preceded it. The death toll of the Second World War was five times that of the First World War — an unimaginab­le 70 million people. It was the deadliest conflict in over a thousand years.

The Paris Peace Pact was, at the time, the most ratified treaty in history, having been joined by 63 nations. Today, however, it is largely forgotten. Few people have heard of it. Most historians ignore it. When the Peace Pact (known in the United States as the Kellogg-Briand Pact) is mentioned, it is usually to dismiss it as an embarrassi­ng lapse in the serious business of internatio­nal affairs, a naive experiment that should never be repeated. Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger mocked the effort to outlaw war as being “as irresistib­le as it was meaningles­s.” The Cold War strategist George Kennan described it as “childish, just childish.” In his otherwise excellent book, To Hell and Back, the British historian Ian Kershaw described the Peace Pact as “singularly vacuous.”

Perhaps the most damning indictment of the Peace Pact was made by the Belgian filmmaker Henri Storck. In 1932, Storck took the footage of the signing of the Peace Pact and spliced it with scenes from newsreels from 1928: snippets of British dreadnough­ts firing their enormous guns; German military officers parading in Pickelhaub­en, their iconic pointed helmets; and Benito Mussolini defiantly shaking his fist. The film had no narration, but its message was clear: the solemn ceremony in the Clock Room was pure political theater. The Great Powers had absolutely no intention of renouncing war; on the contrary, they were busily preparing for it. The French government was so stung by the satire that it censored the film before its release. It only debuted in 1959, by which time Storck had added marching music to underscore the farcical nature of the proceeding­s.

The Peace Pact is not reviled like the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 or the Munich Agreement of 1938, both of which are often blamed for contributi­ng to the Second World War. No one actually cares enough to blame or revile it. When we wrote an op-ed in The New York Times praising the Pact, the internatio­nal relations scholar Daniel Drezner remarked, “This might be the first positive mention of the KelloggBri­and pact in an op-ed that I’ve ever read. I don’t mean that in a snarky way, either — I’ve honestly never seen that treaty talked about favorably.”

The argument of this book is that it should be. The Peace Pact quite plainly did not create world peace. Yet it was among the most transforma­tive events of human history, one that has, ultimately, made our world far more peaceful. It did not end war between states, but it marked the beginning of the end — and, with it, the replacemen­t of one internatio­nal order with another. Reprinted from The Internatio­nalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World by Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro with permission from Simon & Schuster. © 2017 Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro and published by Simon & Schuster. All rights reserved.

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WIKIMEDIA COMMONS As Aristide Briand rose to speak, the camera crews switched off the bright klieg lamps and replaced them with a softer spotlight focused on Briand. He began by warmly acknowledg­ing Frank Kellogg on his left, and Gustav Stresemann, the German foreign...
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