National Post (National Edition)

Cut waste, not patients

- Brett Skinner Brett Skinner is CEO of the Canadian Health Policy Institute.


In the recently tabled federal budget, the government announced plans to move toward a national pharmacare program “to make prescripti­on drugs more affordable.” It was already in the process of amending the patented medicines regulation­s to “protect Canadians from excessive drug prices,” according to Health Canada’s consultati­on paper.

Both policies reflect a general misguided focus on the cost of medical technologi­es and health profession­als in Canada. Government­s rabidly try to control the cost and use of medical devices and drugs — even though they are the tools used to treat patient health. Meanwhile, they refuse to apply the same rigorous scrutiny to nonmedical costs in the health system.

Health Canada regulates the safety and therapeuti­c effectiven­ess of devices and drugs, and cost-effectiven­ess is assessed by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologi­es in Health (CADTH). Maximum prices for new drugs are set by the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB). Final prices for public drug plans are negotiated collective­ly by the federal-provincial government-run pan-Canadian Pharmaceut­ical Alliance (pCPA). And device prices are negotiated with group purchasing organizati­ons for hospitals and health authoritie­s.

Government­s also burn a lot of political energy trying to control the costs associated with physicians and nurses, despite the fact that these health profession­als deliver medical care directly to patients. Ontario’s 2016 public battle over doctors’ fees servesasar­ecentexamp­le.

But to get some more perspectiv­e, consider the $159 billion spent on health care in 2016 by federal, provincial and territoria­l government­s, more than $33 billion of that went to non-medical stuff — things other than health profession­als, medical devices and pharmaceut­icals. Yet, there is a serious lack of political attention given to non-medical costs, and as a result, billions of dollars are potentiall­y being squandered without any direct health benefits for patients.

A 2017 study by the Canadian Health Policy Institute (CHPI) identified several examples of non-medical costs lacking public accountabi­lity on value for money.

For instance, the Ontario government spends almost $500 million annually on an agency known as eHealth, which is tasked with developing a standardiz­ed electronic medical record (EMR) for patients in the provincial health system. With a total cost approachin­g $5 billion since the program was launched in 2002, there is still little concrete evidence of a working EMR that is compatible across all providers in the health system. Over the same period, the federal government has funded Canada Health Infoway to facilitate EMRs, with a total cost nearing $2 billion and with similarly underwhelm­ing results.

Health Canada annually spends more than $334 million on “Canadian Health System Policy” to provide “strategic policy advice, research, and analysis to support decision-making on healthcare system issues.” And Ontario’s Ministry of Health annually spends more than $810 million on a parallel provincial “Health Policy and Research Program” and almost $37 million on its own health policy think-tank known as Health Quality Ontario.

Excluding biomedical and clinical science, the federally funded Canadian Institutes of Health Research spent $5.2 billion from 2000–01 until 2016-17 for studies on health systems and services, social and cultural health issues and other non-medical topics.

In total, more than $150 million in federal costs are incurred annually from agencies like PMPRB, pCPA, CADTH, and the Canadian Institute for Health Informatio­n. And Ontario spends more than $750 million annually to support its own health related agencies, boards and commission­s. However, it is not obvious how these organizati­ons provide any direct benefit to the health of Canadians.

CHPI also identified millions in regulatory compliance costs and supply-chain services imposed on manufactur­ers of medical technologi­es. Such administra­tive charges are potential toll-gating opportunit­ies that add no clear benefit to patients. They act as a kind of tariff extracted for access to the market, or as a tax on pathways to procuremen­t. These costs eventually flow through to the health system in the form of higher prices for medical technologi­es and are ultimately paid by taxpayers.

This is not to say that there is no value associated with these expenditur­es. However, CHPI’s study shows that there are significan­t opportunit­ies for improving health-system efficiency through better scrutiny of non-medical costs. Government­s could save enormous sums of money that could fund better access to medical goods and services that directly benefit patients.

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