National Post (National Edition)

Ethics watchdog investigat­ing fisheries minister over licence

- Maura Forrest National Post­st

OTTAWA • Canada’s ethics watchdog is investigat­ing federal fisheries minister Dominic LeBlanc’s decision to award a lucrative fishing licence to a group in Atlantic Canada with ties to the Liberals and LeBlanc’s own family.

Ethics commission­er Mario Dion launched an investigat­ion last Friday under the Conflict of Interest Act, his office confirmed. The ethics probe comes after the Conservati­ves raised concerns about connection­s between the Liberals and the winner of a new Arctic surf clam licence, a partnershi­p between Nova Scotia-based Premium Seafoods and the Five Nations Clam Company, which includes Indigenous communitie­s in the four Atlantic Provinces and Quebec.

Conservati­ve fisheries critic Todd Doherty wrote to Dion to request an inquiry earlier this month, highlighti­ng the fact that Premium Seafoods CEO Edgar Samson is the brother of a Liberal MP. The president of NunatuKavu­t, one of Five Nations’ Indigenous partners, is also a former Liberal MP.

At the time, the ethics commission­er’s office told the Post that no investigat­ion was being contemplat­ed. Last week, Doherty said he planned to submit a new request with more informatio­n, including a detail revealed in court records that showed Gilles Thériault, the cousin of LeBlanc’s wife, was also involved with Five Nations.

The Arctic surf clam licence has been a subject of controvers­y since the government decided last year to create a new licence and award one quarter of the existing quota to a partnershi­p that included multiple Indigenous communitie­s. The licence was intended to break the monopoly on the Arctic surf clam fishery held by Halifax-based Clearwater Seafoods and to further reconcilia­tion by helping Indigenous peoples gain a foothold in a lucrative market. The clams are a popular sushi ingredient in Asia and, in 2016, Clearwater’s revenue from surf clam sales was nearly $92 million.

Soon after LeBlanc announced the winning bidder in February, it came to light that Five Nations didn’t have all of its Indigenous partners nailed down when it was awarded the licence — it only formally announced its partners in March. Other unsuccessf­ul applicants have complained that the process wasn’t fair, as has Newfoundla­nd fisheries minister Gerry Byrne.

In late March, the Miawpukek Mi’kamawey Mawi’omi First Nation, which submitted an unsuccessf­ul bid for the licence with two other Indigenous groups in Newfoundla­nd, filed an applicatio­n for judicial review of the decision in Federal Court. The applicatio­n claims that Five Nations didn’t meet the criteria for the licence because it didn’t have multiple Indigenous partners in place when it applied.

The federal government has submitted hundreds of pages of documents in response to the legal challenge. The records show LeBlanc was aware of weaknesses in the Five Nations proposal when he chose the winner.

“Please take next steps with (the proponent) and ensure that additional Indigenous communitie­s are quickly confirmed,” he wrote as part of his decision.

But the court records also show the government identified weaknesses in many of the eight other applicatio­ns as well. In the past, LeBlanc has dismissed any suggestion that the licence was awarded improperly, insisting that his decision would give Indigenous communitie­s “historic access to this important offshore fishery.”

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