National Post (National Edition)


- May 19, 2018 By Georgia Nicols georgiAnic­ Visit the horoscope archive at nationalpo­

Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or big decisions from 5 PM to 7:30 PM EDT today (2 PM to 5:30 PM EDT). After that, the Moon moves from Cancer into Leo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Parents need to be vigilant about their kids today because something unexpected will take place at home or within your family. Meanwhile, at the same time, this is an accidentpr­one day for your kids. Connect the dots. Keep your eyes open. And guard your money and possession­s as well.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

An unpredicta­ble day! Your routine will be interrupte­d. Yew faces, new places, unusual ideas are all part of the mix. Be patient with family members, especially a female, because you might suddenly be at odds with someone. Cool your jets and keep your eyes open.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Clever, moneymakin­g ideas might occur to you today. You might suddenly find money or figure out ways to boost your earnings. Admittedly, something might impact your cash flow as well as a loss, but this is doubtful. Avoid arguments with siblings. Pay attention to everything you say and do. (Avoid accidents.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today you feel impulsive and ready for adventure. Quite likely, something unusual will occur that allows you to explore new ideas or meet new people. Definitely something “different” will occur today. Meanwhile, keep an eye on your money and your possession­s.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Things are a bit unpredicta­ble today. Unusual things are occurring. This is one of the reasons you feel restless. It’s as if there’s lots of energy or electricit­y in the air. (Weird.) A boss or parent might also say or do something you least expect. Be cool.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You might meet someone today who is different and exciting. Possibly, a friend you know will do something that amazes you. Meanwhile, travel plans might change. Expect detours and interrupti­ons. Quarrels with work colleagues might also erupt. Yikes! Stay chill.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A boss or a parent might do a favour for you today — something unexpected. Or you might get some greAt press in the eyes of others. However, A quArrel with A femAle friend, especiAlly ABout shAred property might tAke plAce. This might Also involve one of your kids. EAsy does it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A sudden opportunit­y to trAvel or to tAke A course or get further trAining might drop in your lAp todAy. Act fAst BecAuse this window of opportunit­y is Brief. MeAnwhile, A pArent or Boss might Be At odds with you for some reAson. Could someone At home Be jeAlous of your sudden good fortune?

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Keep your pockets open BecAuse unexpected gifts, goodies And fAvours from others will come your wAy todAy. Just sAy yes! And Be fAst ABout it BecAuse this offer is shortlived. Avoid conversAti­ons ABout politics, religion And touchy issues.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A pArtner or close friend might Benefit you. Someone might invite you to A pleAsAnt sociAl occAsion. An unexpected dAte might delight! However, disputes ABout shAred property or inheritAnc­es or something to do with your kids might Also Arise. Oh well.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Something unexpected relAted to your work might occur todAy. (A surprise relAted to your heAlth or even A pet might Also occur.) Likely, it’s good news. Yeverthele­ss, you Are At odds with someone todAy — perhAps A femAle friend. PAtience is the key.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

GrAB your dAncing shoes BecAuse An unexpected invite to A fun event could Be thrilling. Surprise romAnce is possiBle. Unexpected news relAted to your kids is Also likely. Amidst All this Activity, Avoid Arguments with A femAle coworker.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Screenwrit­er/Author YorA Ephron (1941-2012) shAres your BirthdAy todAy. You Are fAir-minded And cAn Build strong relAtionsh­ips. You Are positive, reAlistic And hAve A nAturAl enthusiAsm for life. This yeAr is A power yeAr. Big decisions And mAjor Achievemen­ts. Think success, power And money! It’s time to reAp the Benefits of the lAst decAde. Expect to AttAin Aspects of power And leAdership in All your relAtionsh­ips with others. Activity is key!

If Your Birthday is Tomorrow

Actor MAtt Czuchry (1977) shAres your BirthdAy todAy. You love to trAvel And explore new ideAs. You Are wArm, compAssion­Ate And chArming. This is A time of completion­s And tAking inventory. Review pAst triumphs And fAilures As you finish this nine-yeAr cycle. You might let go of people, joBs And plAces to move on to something new. You Are moving AwAy from heAvy Burdens to something new And lighter!

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