National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener


1. The latest thing 4. Short cough 7. Delighted 11. Patron saint of Norway 13. Synagogue platform 14. Sigurd’s horse 15. Canadian actress Paquin 16. Computer operating system 17. British actor Claude 18. Having the same feelings toward each other 20. Rice dish 22. Tommy of “CODCO” 24. Island southeast of Oahu 25. Electricit­y 27. Put between 31. At right angles to a ship’s keel 34. Shaped like a circle 36. Armed conflict 37. Risks money 38. Sailor’s command to stop 39. About prefix 40. ___ de vie 41. In the ___ (in person) 42. Robe worn by Mecca pilgrims 43. Piece of thigh armour 45. ___ Fox (Canadian hero) 47. French word for egg 49. Exclamatio­n of surprise 52. Records of a meeting 55. French-born British poet 57. Kind of printer 58. List of dishes 60. Island in the Inner Hebrides 61. ___ Talent (Canadian rock band) 62. Aurochs 63. Auld lang ___ 64. Weaver’s reed 65. Stimpy’s friend 66. Cub Scout group


1. Fire extinguish­ing substance 2. Alder genus 3. “The Divine Comedy” author 4. Female lobster 5. Islamic leader 6. Saying 7. Free 8. Milk: Fr. 9. ___ Domini 10. Do the opposite prefix12. Embarrassi­ng mistake 13. German conductor 14. Keep a pilot from flying 19. Smallest unit of matter 21. ___ John, New Brunswick 23. Audacity 26. Cook in an oven 28. Pitcher 29. ___ avis 30. Decorate 31. Help in wrongdoing 32. Boyfriend 33. Needle case 35. Escort people to their seats 38. Attu native 39. Poet Webb from British Columbia 41. Former Flames right winger 42. Dies ___ 44. Feeling friendless 46. Picture puzzle 48. Thigh bone 50. Robertson of the “CTV National News” 51. Seine tributary 52. Letters and packages 53. Man for one 54. Dry 56. City in France 57. Pounds: abbr. 59. Religious woman

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