National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Area of grass that is kept short 5. Narrow groove 10. Ready money 14. Money exchange premium 15. Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny 16. Daughter of Elizabeth II 17. Spirit of the West frontman 18. Satellite of Uranus 19. Make fast, as a boat 20. In attendance 22. Retaliatio­n act 24. Hallucinog­enic drug 25. Metal made of carbon and iron 26. “Up on ___ Creek” (The Band song) 29. Vigorously moral 33. Ladle clumsily 34. Helpful devices 36. Look directly at for a long time 37. Corrode 38. Kind of case 40. Dance step, in ballet 41. Satisfied with an accomplish­ment 43. Kill a dragon 44. Put under severe strain 45. The seven bones that form the ankle joint 47. Give rise to 49. Very prefix 51. Children’s game 52. Place to watch a movie 55. It could be that 59. British nobleman 60. Make adjustment­s to 62. Group of three 63. Black-hearted 64. Island northwest of Oahu 65. Legal claim on a piece of property 66. Refuse the use of 67. More than is usual 68. Easily manageable, as a ship


1. Place for a light bulb 2. Base for bacterial cultures 3. Alcoholic drink made from grapes 4. Like most bath mats 5. Resist change 6. Civil wrong 7. French word for king 8. Motionless 9. In dreamland 10. Where King Arthur lived with his knights 11. Soon 12. Kiss and cuddle amorously, in England 13. Roll call answer 21. Sixth sense 23. Piece of poetry 25. Hamlet in southern Alberta 26. Hughes from Manitoba 27. Helicopter part 28. Wagons-___ (sleeping cars) 30. It’s defeats rock in a game 31. Wipe out 32. Lie down 33. Calendar abbreviati­on 35. Check a hard drive for a virus 38. Grown up 39. Uncontroll­able emotional outbursts 42. At most times 44. In a constricte­d manner 46. Metal rim part of a wooden wheel 48. ___ avion 50. Loosen up 52. ___ off (angry) 53. Suffer from 54. Poetic name for Ireland 55. Gritty-textured fruit 56. Opera song 57. Landing place 58. Loudness unit 61. Sound of annoyance

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