National Post (National Edition)


- By Walter D. Feener

ACROSS 1. Jezebel’s husband 5. Exclamatio­n of relief 9. Nickname for Charles 13. Ratlike rodent 14. Fauna and flora 15. French word for August 16. Type of collar 17. Messenger from God 18. French Canadian singer Alys 19. Proposes as a possibilit­y 21. Smoked herring 23. Lowest woman’s voice 24. Not clothed 25. French word for thousand 27. Short cannon 31. King of Crete 32. Greek consonants 33. French word for island 34. Once more 35. Full of substance 36. Cut short 37. Mongrel 38. Give up a right 39. Island off of Costa Rica 40. Make unfriendly 42. Sunset to sunrise 43. Helper 44. Very short 45. German tennis player Graf 48. At the same time 52. Sword handle 53. Having courage 55. German car 56. Gaelic 57. Afterward 58. Weight allowance 59. Much loved 60. Geraint’s wife 61. Heating vessel


1. Fruit drinks 2. Canadian composer 3. Eager4. One storey house 5. Ford car 6. Barnyard animals 7. French word for summer 8. Alanis Morissette song 9. Floor covering 10. Basket in basketball 11. French word for dawn 12. Move about 14. Sew with loose stitches 20. Old cloth measures of length 22. Fleur-de-lis 24. French word for boot 25. Decreased by 26. Lifeless 27. Lift with effort 28. Nothing 29. “Middlemarc­h” author 30. Ribbed fabrics 31. Spice made from nutmeg 32. Pale brown 35. Lower jaw bone 36. Consider with care 38. Homeless child 39. Motion picture prefix 41. Roof beam 42. River in Africa 44. Changed one’s place of living 45. Storage building 46. Use up one’s strength 47. Former Yukon mining town 48. Actor who plays Mr. Hulot 49. Be painful 50. Delightful place 51. Singer Macneil from Nova Scotia 54. Took part in a race

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