National Post (National Edition)

Israeli fence not a border


Re: Seeing the cracks, Chris Knight, Aug. 17

Contrary to Chris Knight’s review of the Film Wall, the Israeli security barrier is meant to prevent Palestinia­n terrorism; it’s not and never was intended to be a “de facto future border” between Israel and a future Palestinia­n state.

The anti-terrorist fence is a purely defensive measure to protect Israel’s citizens, Jews and Arabs alike, from suicide bombers and sniper attacks. The barrier is justified under internatio­nal law and was created by Israel to protect its population from terror attacks emanating from the West Bank that took the lives of over 1,100 Israelis. The value of the fence in saving lives is unmistakab­le: In 2002, the year before constructi­on started, 457 Israelis were murdered; in 2009, eight Israelis were killed. In almost all cases, terrorists infiltrate­d Israel via the West Bank. Since constructi­on of the barrier began, the number of terrorist attacks has plummeted by more than 90 per cent. Structural­ly, approximat­ely 94 per cent of the barrier is a chain-link fence, the remainder a concrete wall, built to prevent the sniper attacks that were frequent in selected areas.

Israel follows many countries such as India, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and others too numerous to count that have exercised their sovereign right to erect a fence to protect their citizens. Canadian society has a high regard for human life and Israel, like Canada, has the responsibi­lity to protect its citizens.

Mike Fegelman, Executive Director, Honestrepo­rting Canada

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