National Post (National Edition)

Official Kindertran­sport redress, 80 years later

Most sent away as parents put in death camps

- David Rising

The German government has agreed to one-time compensati­on payments for survivors, primarily Jews, who were evacuated from Nazi Germany as children. Many never saw their parents again. Above, a monument honouring the children in Berlin.

BERLIN • Germany has agreed to one-time payments for survivors, primarily Jews, who were evacuated from Nazi Germany as children, many of whom never saw their parents again, the organizati­on that negotiates compensati­on with the German government said Monday.

The New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany said the government had agreed to payments of $3,800 to those still alive from among the 10,000 people who fled on the socalled “Kindertran­sport.”

This year is the 80th anniversar­y of the beginning of the transport of the children to Britain from Nazi Germany and elsewhere in Europe.

About 1,000 survivors are thought to be alive today, with about half living in Britain, and the payment is seen as a “symbolic recognitio­n of their suffering,” Claims Conference negotiator Greg Schneider said.

“In almost all the cases the parents who remained were killed in concentrat­ion camps in the Holocaust and they have tremendous psychologi­cal issues,” Schneider told The Associated Press.

Following the Nazis’ antijewish pogrom in November 1938 known as Kristallna­cht, or the Night of Broken Glass, the British government agreed to allow an unspecifie­d number of Jewish children as refugees from Nazi Germany or territorie­s it had annexed.

Jewish groups inside Nazi Germany planned the transports, and the first arrived in Harwich on Dec. 2, 1938, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The last transport from Germany left Sept. 1, 1939 — the day the Second World War broke out with the Nazi invasion of Poland — and the final transport from continenta­l Europe left the Netherland­s on May 14, 1940, the same day Dutch forces surrendere­d to the Nazis.

In all, about 10,000 children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslov­akia and Poland were taken to Britain, about 7,500 of whom were Jewish, according to the museum. About half were placed with foster families, while the others stayed in hostels, schools or farms.

In addition to those who remained in Britain, many resettled in the U.S., Israel, Canada, Australia and elsewhere, Schneider said.

Today, survivors are at least in their 80s and most continue to look back on their escape as the defining moment of their lives as they were put alone onto trains into the unknown, saying goodbye to parents and siblings often for the last time, Schneider said.

“This money is acknowledg­ment that this was a traumatic, horrible thing that happened to them,” he said.


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