National Post (National Edition)

Finally, we now know Wilson-raybould was pressured


First she was not directed. Then she was not pressured. Now, courtesy of the clerk of the privy council, we learn she was not “inappropri­ately” pressured. The progressio­n is familiar: when you cannot deny a thing is true, deny that it matters.

As we have been discoverin­g in recent days, in fact all sorts of pressure was applied to the former attorney general, Jody WilsonRayb­ould — by the prime minister, by his officials, by the clerk — to politicize the prosecutio­n of SNCLavalin. They just didn’t call it that, at least until now.

Leave aside the legal and ethical considerat­ions. I’m just interested in how they thought this would work. Suppose she had bowed to the “appropriat­e pressure” of the prime minister and his people and ordered the director of public prosecutio­ns to drop all charges against Snc-lavalin and negotiate a remediatio­n agreement in their place.

What would she, and they, have done when the DPP informed her this was not lawful, as the company had not met the conditions the law requires for her to enter such negotiatio­ns, having neither voluntaril­y disclosed its alleged wrongdoing, nor admitted corporate responsibi­lity for it, nor made reparation­s to the people it had allegedly defrauded?

Or when the DPP pointed out that the professed reason for Snc-lavalin to be granted such leniency, the jobs that would allegedly be lost in Quebec, is expressly precluded by the same law? Or when she resigned rather than carry out an order she considered unlawful?

Suppose the DPP had not resigned, accepting instead this unpreceden­ted assault on her prosecutor­ial independen­ce, not to say her profession­al judgment. How was she supposed to negotiate a remediatio­n agreement, if the endpoint — that Snc-lavalin was to be let off on all charges — had already been decided? What bargaining leverage would she have?

And how would anyone in government have explained all this when, as the attorney-general is legally obliged to do whenever she gives instructio­ns to the DPP regarding the “initiation or conduct” of a prosecutio­n (assuming this even applies to the present situation), she made the order public?

What reasons was she supposed to give? “I am overturnin­g the prosecutor’s decision to proceed with charges of fraud and corruption against SNCLavalin because it will cost jobs in a province where we need to win seats, in an election year?” Did they not think this would cause something of, I don’t know, a stir? Did anyone think this through?

Or never mind the public, or the prosecutor: how did they think they were going to explain it to a judge, whose consent is also legally required for any remediatio­n agreement?

But then it hit me. The answer, surely, is for the attorney-general to talk to the judge. Or maybe the prime minister should, or one of his people. Not to direct him, of course: that would be wrong. But just to explain the context, if you will.

The policy objective, after all, is to spare Snc-lavalin from being convicted of a crime, owing to the serious disruption to its business model that would result if, merely because it had a history of bribing people to win public contracts, it were to be prevented from bidding on public contracts. Does it really matter, in pursuit of that overriding objective, whose independen­ce has to take a hit: prosecutor­ial or judicial?

I realize this suggestion will shock some people. Probably the same people were shocked when the allegation first surfaced that the prime minister’s people had tried to get the attorney- general to interfere in the prosecutio­n of a company that had given hundreds of thousands of dollars, legally and illegally, to the Liberal Party.

But over time, the mind adjusts. Subtler voices came to the fore, explaining why the pressure the prime minister’s officials were at that time still denying was in fact entirely proper, an elegant and sophistica­ted solution to a difficult problem. Why shouldn’ t a government elected with the support of 38 per cent of the people be able to have the prosecutor­ial decision it desires, and be accountabl­e for it? Why, it would be an affront to democratic accountabi­lity not to permit it.

There are jobs at stake, after all, thousands of them, many in swing ridings. Surely we are not going to allow them to be sacrificed on the altar of a narrow and dogmatic interpreta­tion of what is, let us remember, a mere convention? An important one, of course, don’t get me wrong. But surely we do not have to be such absolutist­s about it. Do we really want to bar politician­s from talking to one another? Or from making representa­tions to public officials on a matter of public interest?


And if that logic justifies infringing upon the independen­ce of the attorneyge­neral, and through her that of the director of public prosecutio­ns, why should it not also extend to the judge? A company’s life is at stake. Now is not the time to get hung up on niceties like which officer of a court a prime minister can or cannot call.

Is there a “taboo” on politician­s attempting to influence judges? There was once a taboo on prime ministers interferin­g with prosecutio­ns, too. But the minute you start thinking about it — provided you do not think too much longer than that — it goes away. Whether the charges are dropped by the prosecutor, or thrown out by the judge, it’s all the same. The point is that they should not result in a conviction.

Or perhaps the government could simply amend the law to eliminate the requiremen­t for a judge’s consent. For that matter, it could remove the provision excluding economic impact as a factor in the prosecutor’s judgment. Or it could overturn the ban on companies convicted of bribery and other crimes bidding on federal contracts.

If it was possible to draft a whole new law to help SNC-L avalin get off on criminal charges, even after those charges had been laid — and, when the prosecutor refused to comply, to overrule the prosecutor — it is surely possible to make whatever changes to the law the company might need. No doubt it has a few suggestion­s.

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