National Post (National Edition)

A new perspectiv­e of the man in the mirror

- Justine smith

A flurry of anticipati­on surrounds a new documentar­y about the King of Pop. With a promise of lurid details into the scandals that have plagued Michael Jackson — including inappropri­ate contact with young boys — the documentar­y is expected to shake the foundation­s of celebrity culture. It’s early 2003, and Living with Michael Jackson hosted by Martin Bashir is about to air.

For many, Bashir’s fawning over the cult of Jackson’s celebrity and his burlesque approach to documentin­g the icon served as further proof of a conspiracy to take him down. Armed with an inflammato­ry narration and a perverse fascinatio­n with Jackson’s excesses and eccentrici­ties, Bashir’s documentar­y was built to feed an insatiable early aughts audience that was thirsty for details of fame and fortune.

Sixteen years later, in the aftermath of #Metoo, a two-part, four-hour long documentar­y about Jackson aired on HBO (after premièring at the Sundance Film Festival).

Leaving Neverland discards the morbid fascinatio­n with celebrity in favour of testimonia­ls from two of Jackson’s alleged victims and their families, revealing horrendous details of molestatio­n and its subsequent impact into adulthood. And while Jackson’s fans and his estate challenge the claims of Leaving Neverland, one thing remains quite clear: a documentar­y that assumes the perspectiv­e of the victims would have been as unlikely in 2003 as one about celebrity in 2019.

The radically different approach reveals a world that is much changed, but also struggling with those changes.

It’s easy to forget how berserk Living With Michael Jackson was. With Bashir serving as a gleeful ringleader — urging viewers into the freak show only to admonish them for their curiosity — the program pores over details of Jackson’s weirdness. When not fetishisiz­ing Jackson’s extensive collection of Peter Pan memorabili­a through B-roll of Neverland, the documentar­y reveals exploitive images of Jackson, who seems frail, lonely and unhappy. The outcome, whether intended or not, engenders something that resembles sympathy for the pop star. By positionin­g Jackson at the centre of the story, Bashir frames him as the victim of a public’s intrusiven­ess: “Look at this weirdo! Now, look at what you’ve done by looking!”

In Leaving Neverland, however, Jackson is presented only on the edges of the frame. His voice is heard almost entirely through voice mails, le tters and faxes — and he’s barely ever onscreen, even though his presence weighs heavily throughout. What emerges is a representa­tion of Jackson the human being, not the superstar, the wacko or the victim. While Living with Michael Jackson painted the performer as an outlier to civilizati­on, an alien; Leaving Neverland portrays his abuse with a sobering ordinarine­ss that is both powerful and devastatin­g. After four hours, it is nearly impossible to walk away believing in his innocence, let alone hear one of his songs in the same way again.

It’s also difficult to imagine this perspectiv­e being given before The New York Times’s exposé on Harvey Weinstein and the rise of #Metoo. While it might be tempting to associate the revelation­s of Leaving Neverland with the time at which they occurred — “In the era of gossip blogs and TMZ, certainly this couldn’t happen now” — it’s only very recently that accusers have been granted a platform. Earlier this year, the six-part documentar­y, Surviving R. Kelly also gave room to R. Kelly’s victims to speak for the first time and the results were equally damning.

Beyond the details of graphic abuse, the most striking similarity between Leaving Neverland and Surviving R. Kelly is how both men operated in plain sight and deflected accusation­s against them by claiming to be victims of a grand conspiracy. Using the veil of celebrity and the power of their own testimonia­ls at the expense of their accusers, they both cast themselves as martyrs in the face of repeated and documented patterns of abuse.

This presumably prompted an interestin­g decision by filmmaker Dan Reed to structure Leaving Neverland so that it emphasizes the sacrifice of coming forward. Whereas the first half of the documentar­y highlights the extent and deliberati­on of Jackson’s abuse, the second half focuses on growing up in the shadow of childhood sexual abuse.

In doing so, the audience is forced to address our history of dismissing the voice of victims and our continued assumption­s about accusation­s against the famous. We expect perfect victims, but it becomes apparent that no one will ever measure up to such an impossible standard. While we’re finally starting to listen, for the victims, coming forward still means abuse and death threats — and rarely justice.

Even as Leaving Neverland documents the alleged abuse at the hands of a pop star in the 1980s, it feels distinctly of our time.

 ?? LUKE FRAZZA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Pop music star Michael Jackson on stage in 1988.
LUKE FRAZZA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES Pop music star Michael Jackson on stage in 1988.

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