National Post (National Edition)


- Naomi Powell

Finance Minister Bill Morneau will deliver his 2019 budget on March 19, the last before this fall’s election, amid slowing domestic and global economies, a volatile trade landscape and a political scandal that has already cost the federal government two cabinet ministers.

What a difference a year makes.

“A year ago we had rising interest rates, global momentum was strong, we were going to have pipelines and so on,” said Sébastien Lavoie, chief economist at Laurentian Bank Securities. “Now, everything has flipped. So the decisions will be different.”

Following a fall economic statement that embraced business competitiv­eness as a theme, Morneau has signalled a return to bread and butter middle class issues that appeal directly to Canadians. That likely means a greater focus on seniors, prescripti­on drug costs and helping millennial­s get into the housing market — and less attention for headline business issues.

“They’ve been fairly public about where their priorities are and it’s a lot of pretty traditiona­l stuff,” said Doug Porter, chief economist for BMO Capital Markets. “Still I think it’s going to be a very interestin­g budget. The stakes seem a lot higher this time around for a variety of reasons, the most obvious being that we’re heading into an election.”

A tax cut would no doubt top the wish lists of many Canadian business owners, particular­ly after a pair of aggressive U.S. reforms took effect in January 2018: A full and immediate writeoff of investment­s in machinery and equipment and a deep reduction in corporate tax rates that undercut Canada’s long-held advantage. Morneau addressed the first reform in the fall economic statement when he introduced immediate writeoffs of capital investment­s and extended them until 2024 — two years longer than the U.S. measures.

With business investment slumping — it dropped 2.7 per cent in the fourth quarter — some think the time is right to address the tax issue.

“If the government wants to expand the economy forcefully, it will cut both corporate and personal income tax rates significan­tly,” said David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Toronto-based Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

A four-per-cent cut in the corporate tax rate would be “do-able and at no cost” if the government backed off other “pet projects,” Rosenberg believes.

Government finances suggest there’s room for some cuts, Porter said. The deficit is running at $9 billion below the projected $18.1 billion for the current fiscal year, and though that will adjust in the coming months, it’s unlikely to blast above projected levels, he added. That in mind, tax cuts might provide just the gentle stimulus the slowing economy needs.

But that doesn’t mean it will happen.

“There’s certainly a case to be made for cuts, I just don’t think it’s on this government’s agenda,” Porter said. “I wish I were wrong because personally I think the No. 1 priority is still to strengthen our competitiv­eness. But I don’t think so.”

What’s more, the Liberals are already facing criticism for abandoning a pledge to run annual shortfalls of no more than $10 billion and eliminate the deficit by 2019 in favour of lowering the net-debt-to GDP ratio. And though the debt-to-gdp ratio has been “gently” declining, a broad based tax cut could derail that, Lavoie said.

“To cut taxes, the government will need to show a debt to GDP ratio going through the roof and I don’t think they want to do that with the economy now going the wrong way,” Lavoie said.

Indeed, while the trade wars, falling oil prices and higher interest rates all foreshadow­ed some weakening in Canada’s economy, fourth quarter data painted an even gloomier picture than expected. GDP rose at an annualized rate of 0.4 per cent in the period — roughly half what economists were expecting as business investment and household spending fell. In all of 2018, Canada’s economy grew at just 1.8 per cent, down from a three per cent expansion in 2017.

“Things just aren’t great right now,” Lavoie said. “There’s rising consumer insolvency, housing markets are slumping. So this needs to be a proactive but targeted budget.”

Rather than slashing rates, one of the most significan­t things the government could do would be to announce a comprehens­ive review of the Canadian tax code, said Trevin Stratton, chief economist for the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. A Royal Commission on the tax system could identify the best way to adjust the country’s tax mix and simplify a code that has “bloated” to more than 300 pages, becoming a burden on businesses, he said.

“It’s been 50 years since we’ve done a real review of the tax system and if you look around the world there are a lot of countries that are doing just that,” Stratton said.

Skills training is another area in need of attention — specifical­ly in the areas of lifelong learning and workintegr­ated learning, he added.

And with deficits of more than $18 billion in each of the last two years and shortfalls projected until 20232024, another budget item business owners would like to see is a plan to get the books back to balance, Stratton said.

More “trade enabling infrastruc­ture” to get goods to market would also be welcome.

But the biggest challenges businesses face, according to the Chamber, are regulatory burdens and barriers to interprovi­ncial trade. A patchwork of rules across the country means it is often easier to trade goods internatio­nally than between provinces, Stratton said.

“Businesses are looking to the federal government to take a leadership position on these issues, to redouble its efforts,” he said. “The budget is a platform for that.”

To the extent there is a big-ticket item on Morneau’s spending list, it’s likely to be pharmacare. The government’s advisory council issued an interim report on March 6 recommendi­ng the creation of a new agency to manage prescripti­on medication­s by negotiatin­g prices and creating a formulary of covered drugs. Canadians are currently covered by a range of private and public plans that leave 20 per cent of them paying for their own prescripti­ons.

Also likely are measures to give millennial­s a leg up onto the housing ladder. That could mean anything from raising the first-time homebuyer tax credit, expanding the current 25-year amortizati­on period to 30 years or easing the stress test rule that requires buyers with insured mortgages to qualify at 200 basis points — or two per cent — above the negotiated rate. The stress test, while cooling overheated housing markets in major urban centres, has also made homebuying more difficult in rural markets and other areas.

“I’m skeptical that they can move the needle in a significan­t way on housing affordabil­ity,” said Porter. “And the risk is always that they push house prices up by stimulatin­g demand and it backfires.”

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Minister of Finance Bill Morneau has introduced capital investment writeoffs and extended them until 2024 — two years longer than U.S. measures — but businesses are looking for corporate tax relief in the next budget.
SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Minister of Finance Bill Morneau has introduced capital investment writeoffs and extended them until 2024 — two years longer than U.S. measures — but businesses are looking for corporate tax relief in the next budget.

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