National Post (National Edition)

Beware the Ides of March


Re: PM’S statement light on contrition, Matt Gurney, March 8

Given Justin Trudeau’s penchant for drama, one would have expected him to lay his hand on his heart and express a teary-eyed “mea culpa mea maxima culpa” in order to explain away the whole Snc-lavalin fiasco. At the very least to show some remorse and accept the responsibi­lity for letting this matter get out of control. Au contraire! Once again, he deflects the blame onto others with his famous catch-all phrase of “people experience things differentl­y.”

My only suggestion to the prime minister is to look around the Liberal caucus and remember Shakespear­e’s “Beware the Ides of March”... Ed Lacelle, Buckingham, Que. As Justin Trudeau continues his stark public dissemblin­g, he once again demonstrat­es the difference between merely signalling virtue and living with it. Perhaps he might go for a walk in the snow and reflect on Winston Churchill’s prescient warning, “the dignity of a Prime Minister, like a lady’s virtue, is not susceptibl­e of partial diminution.” David Lovatt, Redwood Meadows, Alta. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a master at apologizin­g for the adjudged historical sins of past government­s but shows no willingnes­s or capacity to say he is sorry for his own government’s political missteps. This is unsurprisi­ng given his propen- sity to lecture others and not learn from them. Anne Elizabeth Souris, Vancouver

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