National Post (National Edition)

Coyne’s health analysis is off


Re: What exactly is Ontario Health? Andrew Coyne, March 12

As a former chief of service in a greater Toronto hospital with more than 30 years of front-line medical practice, it seems to me that Mr. Coyne’s analysis is neither grounded in actual health-care experience or fundamenta­l economics.

He simplifies that long waits for care are due to inefficien­cies due to lack of knowledge of costs. While many factors interact to produce greatly excessive waittimes, fundamenta­lly the demand for care vastly exceeds the supply. This occurs because zero direct-cost to patients for insured services results in near endless demand.

Coyne attributes significan­t demand to the provision of unnecessar­y services resulting from fee- for- service payments to physicians, and recommends providing incentives to doctors to provide less care. This would clearly exacerbate wait times and ignores the underlying economic causes of insufficie­nt acute- and long- term beds, home care and diagnostic services.

The government should

be lauded for renewing the organizati­on of Ontario health-care which is clearly overly complex, disjointed, lacking in transparen­cy and bureaucrat­ically bloated, and ultimately lacking in focus about patients. Hopefully this reorganiza­tion represents the beginning of a sincere effort to bring better health-care to Ontarians within current constraint­s of a taxpayer-only funded system.

Stephen Sinclair, Richmond Hill, Ont.

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