National Post (National Edition)



- HOWARD LEVITT Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. He is the author of six books including the Law of Dismissal in Canada.

As unpreceden­ted economic pressures force many employers to wave the white flag and sell their enterprise­s to new owners, all parties involved should ensure they understand the consequenc­es of such a sale on their employment relationsh­ips — and draft their contracts accordingl­y.

Generally, when a business is sold through an asset sale, the vendor wants to pass on employment liabilitie­s to the purchaser, usually asking that the purchaser hire all employees on comparable terms. Meanwhile, the purchaser wants to ensure that it inherits as little of that liability as possible, usually asking that the vendor terminate all employees and obtain releases against further claims.

Typically, an asset sale triggers a dismissal. Alternativ­ely, the original business owner can effect a formal terminatio­n and have the employees sign a release. As noted, many purchasers insist upon this. The new business owner can then denude the financial viability of any wrongful dismissal claims by offering these employees new contracts with minimal terminatio­n provisions in accordance with employment standards legislatio­n. Due to a drive to remain gainfully employed, most employees (just as most accepted layoffs rather than suing for constructi­ve dismissal), will be inclined to accept, effectivel­y mitigating their own claims out of existence.

These transactio­ns can be a boon for purchasers. They acquire an experience­d workforce without the financial obligation­s on terminatio­n that typically come along with that, and save on the costs of recruitmen­t and training. The employees, on the other hand, are deprived of the ability to seek wrongful dismissal damages for a longer notice period and, it would seem, their accumulate­d years of service.

The Employment Standards Act seeks to rectify this unfair result by deeming an employee's service to be continuous between the original and successor businesses. If and when they are later terminated, their statutory notice entitlemen­ts are based on their combined service, to a maximum of what may only be eight weeks' pay. But that does not guarantee that they will receive their common law entitlemen­t of, say, 24 months.

However, a timely new decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal serves as an important reminder that the purchasing employers also have obligation­s under the common law for employees' prior service — even where those employees have signed a release.

The case, Manthadi v. ASCO Manufactur­ing, involved a welder who had worked for 36 years for a numbered company, 637, until its sale to ASCO in 2017. Company 637 terminated Sandra Manthadi's employment and provided her with a meagre severance package in exchange for a release. ASCO then hired her on a new contract, only to terminate her employment one month later. She sued for wrongful dismissal, asking the court to take into account her years of service with 637 as well as with ASCO.

The Ontario Court of Appeal held that the trial judge's decision to “stitch together” Manthadi's years of service in calculatin­g her common law reasonable notice was wrong. But it clarified that an employee's service and experience with a predecesso­r should still be accounted for, even where the employee has signed a release, by weighing the benefit that experience brings to the new employer. The value of any compensati­on the employee received in exchange for a release is also considered in determinin­g what is a fair notice period.

The Manthadi case was remitted to the lower court to determine the notice period, so it remains to be seen exactly how much reasonable notice Manthadi is owed in the circumstan­ces. But those thinking of purchasing a business as a going concern should not be too easily seduced by the prospect of acquiring an experience­d workforce stripped of their severance entitlemen­t.

To avoid unexpected payouts down the line, purchasing employers should not hire any of their predecesso­r's employees without express, written employment contracts. The contracts must stipulate that employees will not be given credit for their past service (other than for the purpose of paying employment standards minimum which is legally unavoidabl­e) and should also contain an enforceabl­e terminatio­n clause limiting these employees' rights to notice on terminatio­n. Even if the employees have signed a release giving up any claims against their former employer, failure to implement tightly drafted employment contracts can quickly strain a new business owner's pocketbook.

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