National Post (National Edition)

Some Canadians believe officials exaggerate virus

Poll finds doubt strongest in Alberta


OTTAWA • A new survey suggests there are Canadians who believe that warnings from public officials about the threat of COVID-19 are vastly overblown.

Almost one-quarter of respondent­s in an online poll made public Tuesday by Leger and the Associatio­n for Canadian Studies say they believe public health and government officials exaggerate in their warnings, including about the need for measures like physical distancing to slow the spread of the pandemic.

Regionally, respondent­s in Alberta were more likely to believe the threat was embellishe­d, followed by Atlantic Canada and Quebec, with Ontario at the bottom.

Broken down by age, younger respondent­s were more likely than those over 55 to believe statements were being exaggerate­d.

The online poll was conducted Sept. 11 to 13 and surveyed 1,539 adult Canadians. It cannot be assigned a margin of error because Internet-based polls are not considered random samples.

Leger executive vice-president Christian Bourque said the results may explain something else that came up in the survey: That a majority of respondent­s said they have relaxed how strictly they adhere to public health recommenda­tions.

Among those recommenda­tions are things like wearing a mask in public, avoiding large gatherings and trying to maintain a two-metre distance between people.

“There is a link. If you believe we’re exaggerati­ng the disease, you’re more likely to have relaxed your strict observance of the rules in place,” Bourque says.

About 57 per cent of respondent­s in the survey said that they had eased their adherence to one or more of public health safety measures over the last month.

Proper physical distancing was the most likely to be relaxed at 37 per cent of respondent­s, followed by wearing a mask outside the home at 33 per cent and not gathering in large groups at 31 per cent.

Respondent­s age 18 to 34 were the most likely to have relaxed their actions with regard to how closely they followed measures, with nearly three-quarters of them saying they had done so in the past month.

Over the last month, case counts have gone up for young people, with Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam warning anew that the country can’t let its guard down.

Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu agreed.

“It’s a global pandemic and we don’t have to look very far to find countries that have lost control of their pandemic and are in serious condition, both from a health perspectiv­e and an economic perspectiv­e,” Hajdu said on Tuesday.

“In fact, the health of Canada depends on all of us taking this seriously, but the economy of Canada depends on that as well. And those things go hand-inhand.”

Weekly questionin­g shows an uptick in the percentage of survey respondent­s who believed the worst of the crisis is yet to come, which hit 45 per cent on Sept. 13, the highest level it has been since April 13.

Nearly two-thirds of respondent­s in the survey believe the country is heading back to some form of lockdown, similar to what happened in March and April.

How closely Canadians follow public health recommenda­tions may rest on how soon officials declare the start of a second wave, Bourque said, or if jurisdicti­ons crack down harder on those breaking rules, such as Quebec started doing in recent days.

“We’re not at this pivotal moment where people feel we need to go back to how we used to be, where basically Canadians were exemplary in terms of following the safety measures put in place,” he said.


 ?? CRAIG ROBERTSON/ / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? People line up in Toronto for a COVID-19 test on Tuesday as Canada's chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam continues to warn the country can't let its guard down.
CRAIG ROBERTSON/ / POSTMEDIA NEWS People line up in Toronto for a COVID-19 test on Tuesday as Canada's chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam continues to warn the country can't let its guard down.

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