National Post (National Edition)

Holding pattern tough challenge for De Grasse



The story of Andre De Grasse at Rio 2016, obviously, was the medals. He won three of them, the first time a Canadian sprinter had ever done such a thing at an Olympics.

But De Grasse also helped author one of those capital-M Moments, the instances at a Games that stand out beyond the records and the hardware. The highlights that are packaged and played in a loop against a swelling orchestral backdrop. He and Usain Bolt, merely the greatest sprinter of all time, roared through the 200-metre semifinal, sharing a laugh and a smile and a finger wag as they crossed the line. It's one of the images of Rio 2016, along with the surveillan­ce footage of American swimmers trashing a gas station in which they briefly claimed they were robbery victims.

De Grasse has battled injuries in the years since, but he was healthy and heading toward another Olympics in Tokyo, looking to chase more medals and maybe more Moments.

None of that happened, of course, with the competitiv­e season wiped out by the pandemic and the 2020 Games pushed back to 2021. (Hopefully.)

One of the fastest men in the world has had to slam the brakes.

“We were kicked off our track in March,” De Grasse says over the phone from his Florida home. Like athletes around the world, he tried finding random and safe places to train: parks, fields, a football stadium.

“We just have to be very cautious and be very diligent, you know, throughout the process and still train to the best of our ability,” De Grasse says. “I was lucky and fortunate enough that I got to race a couple times this year. So now I'm just kind of off-season mode. And looking forward to getting out there, and trying to make this thing happen for next year.”

What next year will look like still is very much unknown. Athletes will normally map out a series of events leading up to the Games in an Olympic year. While there remains a hope that Tokyo will host something starting next July, what the athletics calendar will look like between now and then is unclear.

“We just have to wait and see going into next year with what's going to happen,” De Grasse says.

In the meantime, the 25-yearold from the Toronto suburbs has taken on an ambassador's role for the bid to bring the 2026 Commonweal­th Games to Hamilton. He has fond memories of the 2014 Commonweal­th Games in Glasgow, which was his first big senior internatio­nal event. “And then I was able to get the chance to have the Pan American Games back home in 2015,” he says. Competing in front of a loud hometown crowd in Toronto remains a career highlight. “So it was like, OK, we can bring this home again. In 2026, that would be incredible. It would be great for the athletes but also be great for the economy, getting a lot of jobs, and new affordable housing.”

Much can change in the life of an elite athlete, but De Grasse imagines that he would lace up his cleats in Hamilton, perhaps even as a closing act to a career that at present has a lot of track ahead of it.

“I mean, I know six years is a long time away,” he says. “But I feel like I would hopefully still be competing. And I told myself that I'd want to get two more Olympics in so that's hopefully next year and in 2024.”

Three Olympics, De Grasse notes, is generally considered to be the lifespan of a sprinter.

“So I could go a couple more years after that. And have a going-out party for the amateur games. That would be great.”

Hamilton hosted the inaugural Commonweal­th Games in 1930, and the site for 2026 is expected to be announced sometime this year. India and Malaysia both are still in the bidding process, while several other countries had potential bids that have since dropped out of the race. For now, there is waiting to be done. As is the case for the upcoming competitiv­e season. There could be meets in Europe in winter, but as with all organized sports there remain many logistical balloons in the air. Events held in empty stadiums are a strong possibilit­y.

If it comes to that, the athletes will deal with it, but De Grasse is among those who notes that events without fans lack something.

“It's such a huge part of the experience,” he says. “So I think I could speak for all athletes in that we've missed that excitement and … the energy that the fans give us in our, in our race or our game.”

One of the advantages of a bid for 2026 is the hope — please — that the events of recent months will be a memory by then.

“I'm definitely hoping that down the line, you know, things can return to some type of normalcy,” De Grasse says. “It would be great to have fans back again. So we just have to be patient and wait and see what happens.”



 ?? AHMED JADALLAH / REUTERS FILES ?? Canada's Andre De Grasse celebrates winning silver in the men's 200 metres at the 2019 World Athletics Championsh­ip in Doha, Qatar. The sprinter is looking forward to competing in the postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
AHMED JADALLAH / REUTERS FILES Canada's Andre De Grasse celebrates winning silver in the men's 200 metres at the 2019 World Athletics Championsh­ip in Doha, Qatar. The sprinter is looking forward to competing in the postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
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