National Post (National Edition)

If parents favour learning pods, let's help them

- MATTHEW LAU Matthew Lau is a Toronto writer.

That many families can't access alternativ­es to government-run schools is a serious and long-standing problem. It is a big financial sacrifice for any family to pay school fees on top of the taxes they already pay to operate the unionized government-run schools that they feel deliver an unsatisfac­tory quality of education to their children. For low-income families, the additional cost is prohibitiv­e. Sending their children to the government-run schools isn't just the cheapest option, it's the only one available.

The lack of educationa­l choice for many families is a problem made worse by the pandemic. Some families are understand­ably worried about the potential danger of the coronaviru­s spreading in schools. Many who can afford it are forming “learning pods,” in which they group together to hire a teacher and create a mini-classroom for their children in one of the families' homes or in a rented space. As in non-pandemic times, however, poorer families have fewer and worse options.

Lower-income families and those from marginaliz­ed communitie­s are more likely to live in crowded buildings or with an elderly relative. For them, the risks of returning children to physical classrooms are higher — yet they can't afford the learning pods.

Their only option is remote learning, which is not nearly as effective as classroom learning. The pandemic has clearly widened the disparitie­s in education. But discouragi­ng learning pods and other alternativ­es to government-run schools, as some have suggested, is surely counterpro­ductive.

Some critics warn of devastatin­g long-term consequenc­es should families continue using learning pods instead of government-run schools even after the pandemic has passed. But home schooling has served many families well, and learning pods seem to combine the positive aspects of home schools (parents have more control over their children's education) and regular schools (students have classmates and are taught by a hired teacher). Instead of causing harmful consequenc­es, the learning pods would reduce the fiscal burden for taxpayers. If pods or other alternativ­es deliver better education than government-run schools, we should help lower-income families access such alternativ­es rather than discourage them.

Similar worries that charter schools, which are publicly funded but independen­tly run, could increase class and race disparitie­s within the education system are also misplaced. Charter schools are rare in Canada — they exist only in Alberta, where they account for about one per cent of enrolments — but in places where they are more prevalent, the evidence overwhelmi­ngly shows that they are profoundly beneficial to students from marginaliz­ed communitie­s.

In New York City, charter schools account for 13 per cent of public-school enrolment. Despite their students being overwhelmi­ngly from marginaliz­ed background­s — 91 per cent are African-American or Hispanic and 79 per cent are economical­ly disadvanta­ged — their academic performanc­e is remarkable. In the charter schools, 64 per cent of African-American and 60 per cent of Hispanic students are proficient in math. By contrast, the city's public schools have only a 46 per cent average proficienc­y rate, with a dismal 28 per cent rate for African-Americans and 33 per cent for Hispanics. Test scores in English also show that students are far better off in charter schools, though the difference is not quite as pronounced.

Defenders of government-run schools might protest that students applying to charter schools are more motivated than average to begin with. To an extent that's probably true, but the argument is weakened by the fact that New York City charter school admissions are decided by lottery. The demand for charter schools is so high that most of the presumably highly motivated students who apply are not chosen and so remain in the government-run schools.

The fact that so many students from disadvanta­ged background­s apply to charter schools is solid evidence their parents believe these schools provide a better education than the government-run ones. In Alberta, as well, long wait lists for charter schools, which are not allowed to turn students away if they have capacity, are evidence many families regard them as better than the government-run alternativ­es.

If we truly want to reduce the inequities in education, what is needed is a government reform of the public education system to improve the access of lower-income families to learning pods, charter schools and other options that many parents clearly prefer to government-run schools. Given the evidence, there should be little doubt that families across the country could benefit from charter schools. And if learning pods prove more effective than government-run schools, we should also enable, not discourage, families who choose to pursue this option.


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