National Post (National Edition)

Bullying is a chronic disease in Canada's healthcare sector.


Extensive and pervasive bullying and harassment is one of the well-known `secrets' of Canadian health care. It's so widespread that some have even analogized bullying in the medical profession to a chronic disease. Why does bullying of, and by, physicians persist when other workplaces have made such substantia­l gains in addressing it?

Hospitals are the perfect petri dish for bullying and harassment to flourish: medicine is hierarchic­al by design and the stakes are high — one misstep can cost a patient's life. Fear of error, blame and deflection are palpable. Ego and reputation are at stake, as is financial and profession­al gain. Power imbalances involving seniority and position can be overlaid with factors such as race, gender, religion and sexual orientatio­n.

Lax enforcemen­t of anti-bullying and harassment measures by hospital administra­tion has played a significan­t role in physician bullying. While most people perceive physicians as the `top' of the health-care hierarchy, more likely to be the bully, the reality is more complex — they are just as likely to be bullied.

Medical students and young physicians are indoctrina­ted early to fear speaking out. A May 2020 Independen­t Student Analysis Report of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Program found significan­t numbers of students experienci­ng “mistreatme­nt, poor accessibil­ity of… reporting systems, and lack of student comfort with reporting mistreatme­nt.” Close to half of students responded that they were too fearful to report mistreatme­nt.

Physicians working in hospitals who experience their rights being ignored or violated by hospital leadership usually feel powerless to fight back because of their lack of trust in confidenti­ality, hospital processes and fear of reprisal.

As self-insured, `privileged' independen­t contractor­s, physicians are not employees of hospitals, which are rarely held responsibl­e for the doctors' behaviour. Lack of alignment between hospital responsibi­lity and physician behaviour creates a vacuum where individual rights fall through the cracks and hospital culture is poisoned.

Hospitals rely on administra­tive and medical leadership to oversee physician practice issues. However, medical leadership is often inadequate­ly trained and supported by hospital administra­tion. As a result, medical leaders do not always act fairly or in line with contempora­ry workplace standards. Hospital leaders frequently deal with physician issues off the record, without a paper trail. This closed door, sotto voce approach allows for abuses of power and conflicts of interest to remain unchecked and undocument­ed.

Additional­ly, physician leaders occupy multiple positions of power within a hospital or, in the case of teaching hospitals, affiliated universiti­es which can make the threat of reprisal for reporting harassing behaviour by these leaders even more frightenin­g for other physicians. Hospital administra­tors allow physicians to largely self-police and may look the other way when inter-profession­al bullying or harassment occurs. They are also often confused by what should be viewed as bullying in a hierarchic­al environmen­t when the health of patients are at stake.

Inaction or acquiescen­ce by hospital administra­tion to abuses of power by physicians silently communicat­es to everyone else that some individual­s are `above' the law and challengin­g them would be fruitless. Worse, it could result in retaliatio­n. As a result, existent hospital procedures for addressing unfair treatment are mistrusted and underutili­zed by physicians and others in our hospitals.

This culture was well captured in the U of T report, which noted that reporting mistreatme­nt was seen as “career-threatenin­g.” Breaches of confidenti­ality by the hospitals that the students reported mistreatme­nt to, resulted in some students being confronted by the very individual­s they cited for mistreatme­nt.

Even when bullying affects a physician's privileges, the path to protection and damages can be rife with difficulti­es. However, a couple of landmark bullying cases have shown that Canadians courts are starting to understand and address the gaps in protection for physicians.

In a 2018 Nova Scotia Court of Appeal decision, the court reviewed a $1.4-million jury award to a cardiologi­st who had her privileges revoked. Dr. Gabrielle Horne, then a junior female researcher, was awarded major research grants and senior male colleagues wanted their names included on her papers. Her refusal to comply led to allegation­s of `uncollabor­ative' behaviour culminatin­g in the hospital revoking her clinical privileges. The Court of Appeal upheld the lower court's finding of administra­tive bad faith on the part of the hospital, recognizin­g the loss to her research career and damage to her reputation, but lowered the award amount to $800,000, still a considerab­le amount, because of improper jury direction.

In a 2010 Ontario Court of Appeal decision, the court upheld the trial decision, awarding Dr. Israel Rosenhek more than $3 million in damages against Windsor Regional Hospital when his privileges were revoked in bad faith and his reputation was unjustly harmed when he was alleged to be not `fitting in' with the other physicians.

The bulliers, not the bullied, should be the ones penalized for this unacceptab­le behaviour. Physicians have been slow to realize and protect the rights which the courts have been affording to the rest of us. They are catching up with a vengeance.

Financial Post

Got a question about employment law during COVID-19? Write to me at

Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. He is the author of six books including the

Law of Dismissal in Canada.



 ?? GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Lax enforcemen­t of anti-bullying and harassment measures by hospital administra­tion
has played a significan­t role in physician bullying, Howard Levitt writes.
GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O Lax enforcemen­t of anti-bullying and harassment measures by hospital administra­tion has played a significan­t role in physician bullying, Howard Levitt writes.
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