National Post (National Edition)

Ontario must revamp colleges, universiti­es

- KEN CUTHBERTSO­N Kingston, Ont. writer Ken Cuthbertso­n spent 28 years working in Ontario's post-secondary sector and saw how things work there. He's the author of six books, the latest of which is 1945: The Year That Made Modern Canada.

The news that Laurentian University in Sudbury is insolvent should come as no surprise to anyone who's familiar with the state of post-secondary education in Ontario. The critics are right when they point out that Laurentian's financial woes are the product of a flawed business model. But there's a lot more to the story than that.

The real problem is the waste and duplicatio­n that pervade Ontario's post-secondary educationa­l sector, a plodding behemoth that Queen's Park funds to the tune of more than $12 billion annually.

There's no debating that the province needs a high-quality, innovative and accessible educationa­l system in order to compete economical­ly. Yet, it's just as certain that taxpayers aren't getting the best bang for their bucks in the current system, which is burdened with waste and a sizeable number of vested interests who are keen to protect their turf or even to expand it. That's especially true of those who inhabit the thicket of senior administra­tion at many schools.

While all might look fine to the casual observer, the reality is that the province's post-secondary educationa­l sector is in dire need of pruning and updating. It has experience­d a lot of impromptu and wasteful growth over the past 75 years.

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Canada was a sleepy backwater with a population of 11.5 million. The 29 universiti­es that were scattered across this vast country back then were more than enough to meet demand. Less than three per cent of Canadians were university educated. (Today, when the population is 38 million, that percentage is closer to 30 per cent.) Everything changed for post-secondary education in Ontario and all across Canada starting at war's end in 1945.

Liberal prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King devised an ambitious scheme of social welfare legislatio­n and veterans' benefits that he hoped would buy him votes in that year's general election. When it did, the Liberals were returned to power.

Among the transforma­tive programs that King introduced was one that enabled veterans to return to school and get paid for doing so. Tens of thousands of them were eager to make up for lost time, and so they flocked to career-oriented discipline­s — applied science, medicine, and business in particular. Suddenly, a university education was as much about acquiring work skills as it was about learning to read, write, and think critically.

In Ontario, that pragmatic impetus continued to simmer until 1965 when Bill Davis, the minister of education in the government of Conservati­ve premier John Robarts, took a bold step. Davis championed the creation of a system of community-based colleges intended to offer high-quality technical and career-oriented post-secondary programs. All that was well and good. However, over the years as the network of community colleges continued to grow and mature, the line between courses taught at some of these schools and at some Ontario universiti­es became blurred. Colleges started offering programs in subject areas that previously were exclusive to universiti­es.

During the seven years that Conservati­ve Mike Harris was premier (19952002), the province began allowing community colleges to grant baccalaure­ate degrees and in 2002 launched the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, an Oshawa-based school that has emerged as a top-flight hybrid university-college.

Harris also introduced the idea of tying 50 per cent of funding for post-secondary institutio­ns to a formula that rewarded schools whose graduates found full-time work within a set period of time after receiving their diplomas or degrees. It doesn't take a PhD to figure out that such a utilitaria­n funding scheme rewarded institutio­ns that turned out grads with the kinds of job skills that employees are seeking. Today, Ontario's 24 colleges offer about 74 degree programs in a broad range of career-related discipline­s.

If you were paying attention to the news reports in January 2019, you'll know that in addition to the Ford government's above-mentioned measures to rein-in post-secondary tuition increases, the premier has also indicated that post-pandemic he intends to revive and re-emphasize the idea of performanc­e-based funding for the Ontario's colleges and universiti­es.

Whether or not this is a good thing is open to debate. What isn't is the reality that Ontario's post-secondary sector needs to better reflect society's changing needs. As a result, more and more universiti­es are intent on maximizing their government funding by offering career-oriented programs. There's nothing wrong with that, not if you accept that there a limited pool of public dollars, and it should fund initiative­s that make the most sense economical­ly. That said, there's a problem. Ontario has a whole system of community colleges that's already geared to doing exactly what universiti­es are now intent on doing — turning out grads with workplace skills.

The vital question to be asked is this: do we need to have and to fund two parallel post-secondary educationa­l systems? Can we continue to afford them? If not, it makes sense to look for ways to reconsider and streamline what we're doing. It's time to make changes.

Aligning and affiliatin­g the community colleges with universiti­es, merging some smaller institutio­ns with larger ones, or even closing some schools, would eliminate a lot of waste and pricey administra­tive bureaucrac­y. Doing so would also allow remaining institutio­ns to save money by rationaliz­ing their course offerings. The end result should be a post-secondary educationa­l system that would be leaner, more flexible, more cost efficient. And hopefully one that will be more affordable for students.

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